Think about it:The crystal empire determines the mood of the whole Equestria. Much like that most inner part within ourselves that determines how we feel and how is our general attitude towards everything. (you can cal it soul, spirit, heart, particular-part-of-the-brain, I don't care, but you know what I mean)When we loose our motivation (our Crystal Heart) everything seems dull, meaningless and we even forgot who we were and what defines us.I'm no specialist, and thankfully I have never been truly depressed, but the overall feeling and tone did make me think about it. What do you people think?
I can help you with it bro, I'm good with planning stuff like this. :D
oh stuff that's true-snip-
What about Chrysalis?"Repelled"?
i think it's purposely comparing the season premiere villains
But it's still wrong to leave out Chrysalis.
No one loves Chrysalis.