Author Topic: My Little Pony: Friendship for Blockheads: General V2  (Read 7777207 times)

I find the best thing to do with dramas is to ignore them. I hardly ever visit that section anyway. Its a place where you can easily dig your own grave.
Usually the case. I'm not going to bother replying to that particular drama anymore; I hound the drama section pretty intensively for entertainment at the stupidity of others among other reasons.
Aaaand according to Port's new posts viewer, someone just re-started that stuffstorm, but I'm not going to fall for it.
not really, there were months without drama, and then brony drama popped up recently then you joined.
Has it really been months since Christopher P.'s ban? Geez, time sure flies by.

GTFO, mine, >:C
I'd ask for Fluttershy but.
Rainbow Dash's cutie mark looks cooler.

I'd ask for Fluttershy but.
Rainbow Dash's cutie mark looks cooler.


two week waits are terrible
there were like two or three of them during season two, i usually forget things like stream list and steam chat group until it's almost too late

i can hope season four doesn't have any, but that is unlikely

Has it really been months since Christopher P.'s ban? Geez, time sure flies by.

I meant months without pony-related drama before you started posting here.
They were peaceful times, you wouldn't know about them.

So wait is Jokey under Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash?
I meant months without pony-related drama before you started posting here.
They were peaceful times, you wouldn't know about them.

Any chance you could put me under Twilight instead? I know if I were to get the Fluttershy one I wouldn't do much with it, so it would likely sit around.

Any chance you could put me under Twilight instead? I know if I were to get the Fluttershy one I wouldn't do much with it, so it would likely sit around.
Please do it, please do it.

Any chance you could put me under Twilight instead? I know if I were to get the Fluttershy one I wouldn't do much with it, so it would likely sit around.


Please do it, please do it.

Only person in Fluttershy cat now

Lol maybe I'll just keep the AJ button to myself since no one seems to want it.

Lol maybe I'll just keep the AJ button to myself since no one seems to want it.
The problem is that you only let us enter one raffle lol

Has anyone else seen that cool thingy that Port made that lets you see recent posts? It also shows edits as separate posts.
ALL edits.

Never miss a ninja.

The problem is that you only let us enter one raffle lol

Well yeah, I don't want one person to enter every character and potentially win ALL of them. Not fair. :I