Author Topic: Bropulser [46 lines]  (Read 2244 times)

Bropulse - To shoot through the sky

Have you ever really badly needed to get to a destination with a simple command? Do you want to escape the police on City RP's? DO YOU WANT TO FLY?

Well now you can do all of that, for the price of one large concussion!


(All typed in regular chat)

[Flag] - Sets the location you will bropulse to.

>>Start - Starts the bropulsion

[Done] - Stops the bropulsion

Basically the Bropulser will send you to the position you were at when you typed [Flag].

So what are you waiting for?! Download it! Now!
« Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 05:26:14 PM by Big Brother »

wow this can be abused wtf why would you release this!!!!
sounds interesting

Ug.  This is very abusable. If anyone uses this on my urban combat TDM I will bring my complaints to you.... :(

But I guess you put alot of effort into it.

tried it, 10/10.
Ug.  This is very abusable. If anyone uses this on my urban combat TDM I will bring my complaints to you.... :(
why would you allow eventing on a tdm

wait, this is client side? in other words, extremely abusive?
EDIT: oh, if its an event, then yeah

wait, this is client side? in other words, extremely abusive?

Fortwars aught to be fun with this now :D
Holy goodness 41 events all being VCE, this gun be a boaws to event.

I like how he is too dumb enough to put it in a folder and make it a .cs file

I can re upload it when I get home. I was hosting earlier, you should've joined

Still, Fail download. and way too abusive

I like how he is too dumb enough to put it in a folder and make it a .cs file
Still, Fail download. and way too abusive
you're a moron.

wow this can be abused wtf why would you release this!!!!
sounds interesting and super awesome

abuse abuse abuse4life

I like how he is too dumb enough to put it in a folder and make it a .cs file
I like how you can't tell it's a crapload of events.