Author Topic: Greatest "Oh stuff" moments in video games (SPOILERS MAY OCCUR)  (Read 4098 times)


When Martin Septim broke the Amulet of Kings, turned into an avatar of Akatosh and defeated Mehrunes Dagon at the end of Oblivion.
Then I about broke my controller in half because I didn't get to fight the final boss.

when Eli died in episode 2 :(

Accidently uncovering a mob chamber in Minecraft, on Vechs' Super Hostile maps.

The replay on super meat boy after dieing like 200 times.

you spawn in a rainforest cop down a tree and you have ly treehelper mod installed. a loving creeper falls on you.

When I managed to get Garrus killed in Mass Effect. And when I hugged a creeper in Minecraft without knowing what it was. Ohohohoh! And when I punched out some iron not knowing I needed a pick

End of sewers in Amnesia. Make a distraction. Open door. Get raped by Captain stabby hands. forget.

Was exploring the cave under the spawn on the minecraft adventure island map when a skeleton falls from above, Scaring me stuffless but i killed it right after.

When my pinky loses control of the left shift key and I fall in lava with all my stuff (Minecraft).

Discovering deathclaws for the first time on Fallout 3/New Vegas.

When at the end of Portal 2 wheatley was sucked into space and glados became nice to you but let you go free because she didn't want to try and kill you anymore

u mad CopBlock?

I nearly cried at the end of Medal of Honor (new version fo ps3). I was oh stuff'd.

Then don't click this topic if you don't want anything spoiled for you.
It is not required for you to be involved with this topic at all. You chose to click it and something was spoiled for you. That is entirely your fault.
How exactly is it his fault, I fail to see your logic. It seems your raging just for the sake of raging.

Probably my best "oh stuff" moment was a good one in Half-Life 2: Episode 2, [spoiler]when you're doing the mission where you and a Vortigaunt have to go down into the antlion nest underground to get the nectar to heal Alyx, the Vortigaunt and I were in the part with the elevators and you have to fight off a stuffload of zombies and antlions while waiting for the elevator to get there. This zombine (combine zombie) went to attack the Vortigaunt and the Vortigaunt grabbed the zombine's hands and threw him down on the ground where he proceeded to curbstomp it.[/spoiler] I was like "forget yeah."

Worst "oh stuff" moment was when a friend and I were playing gm_ghosthunt2 in Garry's Mod. I was in a somewhat small room looking for stuff when the door closed behind me, trapping me inside with my friend on the outside, unable to get to me. Obviously I said "oh stuff" when the door closed. What happened next is probably as close as I've ever come to a heart attack. There was a big desk in front of me in the room that, about 10 seconds after the door closed, launched itself off the floor and into my face, slamming me against the wall. I then heard my friend shout, "OH GOD" because apparently, as I learned shortly after, at the same moment when the desk hit me, a floating black figure with red eyes appeared out of loving nowhere right in front of my friend and proceeded to scream at him for a couple seconds until disappearing. The door then opened and we both went back to the safe area to clean the stuff out of our pants.