
Author Topic: Sorry  (Read 1163 times)

Sorry for posting this it was bull stuff
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 01:16:40 PM by Juicebox »

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 01:16:59 PM by Juicebox »

Ew, why would you post this?

Its epic and the addon is called "Mr. wiggles" xD

That's just sick, dude... and not the good 'sick' either, i mean like 'mentally ill' sick

because richards are SO FUNNY LOLOLOLOL.

All I see is sword fighting.

Lolol this kid has the right idea besides this is just for lols so dun hate

LOL lord tony has the right idea to

Can't tell if troll or just stupid. Some richard shaped item that was made and failed? a year ago doesn't really need a topic.

Tezuni made that, and I hate him for it.

Ya That guy is creepy O.o

The hell is this?
And I thought crap couldn't get much worse on here...
You were better off NOT posting this.

Respect -1

Where did you even get that O_O