
Make Ruby like the AoE: with no real specialty? (No offence to the AoE)


Author Topic: Cosed  (Read 30123 times)

Impotent things to know:
  • Ruby DOES NOT use others building ideas
  • Ruby DOES NOT try to crash servers.
  • Ruby DOES want this to stop.
What else do spies do? And don't say "catch hackers" because there aren't any hackers.

I ment the flaming.
The clan is pointless and stupid. People tend to flame pointless and stupid stuff.

Hey Adam, I'm out for now. Not because anyone in this clan, it just has too much drama. I may be back, who knows?

Don't.  If you aren't in this clan, you are very much respected. 

Don't.  If you aren't in this clan, you are very much respected. 

This is the second time I posted this, yet I'm not removed off the list of members.

Nice job Stealing this from starcorp:

Nice job Stealing this from starcorp:

I didn't steal that from StarCorp, I made it my self!

I'll app.
Scripter/Server Hoster
Various scripts.
Those aren't exactly scripts, if you want to app, use a mod you made that wasn't edited off other's scripts.

I didn't steal that from StarCorp, I made it my self!


Maybe the sudden influx of flame is a sign that this clan isn't respected? Hm?

Those aren't exactly scripts, if you want to app, use a mod you made that wasn't edited off other's scripts.
I made the script myself.
Check add-ons for my clan tag changer.