i got bad news

Author Topic: i got bad news  (Read 5544 times)

i didn't know where to post this. i didn't know if it belongs in off topic, or general. anyways, bad spot, are you awear that in 2008, lego is going to release a sandbox building mmo game, and there planning to make it better? there trying to wipe you off the map! are you worried?

p.s. sorry for any spelling mistakes, i forgot my spell check thing.

I think we all know this. but lego sucks so they will phail


  • Administrator
  • We're not even half way through 2007, and no MMO I've ever heard of has ever shipped on time. 
  • There will probably be a monthly fee- is 2 months of lego mmo better than having Blockland forever?
  • I highly doubt it will be a sandbox where you can do whatever you want.  Even if it is, it will be heavily moderated.  A large kid-targeted company like lego can't risk being associated with anything inappropriate.  It could even be as bad as that disney mmo where you cant even talk. 
  • Ambiguous topic.

i'll take that as a no. wow. when you put it that way, you make it sound like it will suck. i'm with blockland all the way!

Didn't lego have the genius idea of making a MMO after badspot came to them and asked if they wanted to sponsor blockland or something along the lines of that?

You should sue them!  :cookieMonster:

Big time. And then get more lag decreasing technology  :cookieMonster:

Big time. And then get more lag decreasing technology  :cookieMonster:

well if you do have to pay to play legoland, who wants to be the first person in the blockland community to check it out?

o.k., maybe if its a free demo il play and if you have to pay, il pay, but i should be remembered if i dont..... return.

No.... you should be burned if you do return.

I highly doubt that a game made by a company like lego will be modable by users.
One of the main resons i play blockland is beacuse i like to see and play around with the cool mods people come up with.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2007, 11:58:44 AM by Mr Smash »

Welcome to mid-2006

Lol, we will advertise on raid the game's forum :D