Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 280379 times)

I think I've realized it, you have no space ship!

Mission: And When the Sky Was Opened
Objective: Rescue stranded kerbals Bob and Aldo from the surface of the Mun.
Rescue Vessel: The Day Space Stood Still
The Day Space Stood Still (TDSSS) is expected to land near Bob and then land near Aldo and then return to Kerbin.

Actually it's just a fuel tank with a thruster attached to it. I'm zoomed all the way out.

Every part of me feels bad for that vehicle's solar panels.
I'm assuming the re-entry effect is going to melt my computer even more.

Good, we need more "You're loving up!" indicators.

Good, we need more "You're loving up!" indicators.
Where's the fun in that?

Want to go to space, but have no idea how to?
Oh god lol.

So I finally decided to take a break from building my Mun base to land on Minimus. Damn these hills are fun to slide down.

Where's the fun in that?

In purposefully screwing up the spacecraft, watching it burn, then pulling it out.

Sweet baby Jesus yes

woah what is this?
Do things catch fire now on reentry?

Quote from: Aphtonites
I made a pretty rad Soyuz lookalike (and my first ever refuel in space, as you can see with the tiny rocket docked to it)

I then decided to try and dock it with my space shuttle, and it worked pretty well!

I wonder if I should make a proper space station out of it.
Reposted from the SA forums.