Author Topic: Kerbal Space Program, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love THRUSTERRRSSSS  (Read 279878 times)

I might get it, I'm still thinking about it. I just don't wanna waste 15 bucks on something I'll never play again. I do that with most games I buy.

Why the forget do you not play games for their value? And why do you want a small community? So you can be one of the few people that actually plays the game and not be 'mainstream'?

Why the forget do you not play games for their value? And why do you want a small community? So you can be one of the few people that actually plays the game and not be 'mainstream'?

I like small communities because I can know everybody and it feels like a family (I don't know why).

Then get a small group of friends and ignore everyone else.

So I've put my mission on pause. It's very difficult lol.

Iiiiiii, the satisfaction of this game is amazing.
The OlaxaCo Orbital Space Central has just begun construction! Just attached a solar panel array. I'm super happy.

Anyone else got any great works that you want to share? Please do.

I have 2 sputniks in orbit

Iiiiiii, the satisfaction of this game is amazing.
The OlaxaCo Orbital Space Central has just begun construction! Just attached a solar panel array. I'm super happy.
Anyone else got any great works that you want to share? Please do.
Tri-docking ports?

Did you have issues with that?

Tri-docking ports?

Did you have issues with that?
Not really. At first it only docked one, but I redocked a couple of times and now it seems fine. One still failed to dock, however.

... I consider those issues lol.

gonna buy this game on steam, is it worth it?

^^ yes


i didnt even land on the mun yet


forget I had hyperedit open I forgot to close it I was circularizing some orbits around Kerbin im so sorry

I want to make a rover with a dropable recharge station so bad...

bought this game

seems cool


... I made it within a half hour later though :P only one more trip to go till it's refueled and I'm ready to head for the mun!

what altitude is a good altitude to start building a space station