Author Topic: Pesterchum 3.14 and chumHandles. Huge userlist update.  (Read 14394 times)

My chumhandle is yesCube.


EDIT: It appears my name got taken after I reconnected.
EDIT 2: I got it back.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 08:40:09 PM by Block Box »

invalidChumhandle apparently taken, figures
« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 08:37:56 PM by Ector »

Mine is alternativeController


I haven't used it in a while.


Got it from that generator <3

pesterChum: Blockland's new Steam?

I randomly disconnect :/

what the forget I already had yesCube how the hell did someone else take it when I had it first

I read chumHandle's wrong..
Anyways, Downloading.

we really need a Blockland Forums memo

Added everone who posted thiers or pestered me.

Also to get rid of that "name taken" problem, don't click the icon. Go to your system tray (at the bottom right of the task bar) hit the expand button and click the two yellow heads (or black head with horns if trollian.) If that doesn't work, end PESTERCHUM 7 using task manager. If that doesn't work restart your computer.

I'm xenophobicMaterialist. I just got Pesterchum.