Author Topic: Aplems IS IN Le Sueur Minnesota! I will come visit you...  (Read 932 times)

Yay, 5 day vacation to Le Sueur at Minnesota. Also going to go visit the biggest mall in America, if anyone lives in that area and wants me to stop at your house and say hello then leave really fast I will.

We could also get in fist fight if you want.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2011, 01:19:05 PM by Nom|Aplem|Nom »

prepare to freeze to death and spend all of your money on stuff you think you need but actually don't.

>>Aplem going away and not being on the forums.

Have a nice time take your time and stay as long as possible there

Come to Minneapolis and visit with me.

Come to Wahpeton and visit me. I want to actually punch you and have a chat <3.

? it's not cold right now, in fact IT'S HOT BECAUSE THERE'S THIS THING CALLED SUMMER.

Come to Wahpeton and visit me. I want to actually punch you and have a chat <3.

? it's not cold right now, in fact IT'S HOT BECAUSE THERE'S THIS THING CALLED SUMMER.
I found a dollar in Minneapolis from Wahpeton yesterday.

I live like 30 minutes away from Le Sueur. Why would you vacation there lol.

Citrus county FL nao aplem.

I live like 30 minutes away from Le Sueur. Why would you vacation there lol.

Well, right now there is going to be amazing lighting and thunder storms. I really don't want to miss that.

Come to Wahpeton and visit me. I want to actually punch you and have a chat <3.

? it's not cold right now, in fact IT'S HOT BECAUSE THERE'S THIS THING CALLED SUMMER.

That's like 4 hours away. Eh, I could walk.

Citrus county FL nao aplem.

I was there last year for Christmas.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2011, 01:07:48 PM by Nom|Aplem|Nom »

I was there last year for Christmas.

Pm me next time you are there..... D:

prepare to freeze to death and spend all of your money on stuff you think you need but actually don't.

dude its loving hotter here in minnesota then in the deserts out west.
humidity sucks.

Watch out for rioters there's a government shutdown and by extension we can only assume..


Watch out for rioters there's a government shutdown and by extension we can only assume..

Are you like 7?

Are you like 7?

I don't think I knew what anarchy was at age seven..

come visit m-

oh wait. no. don't. please.