
Will you come to my birthday party?

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Author Topic: Escape Overlay Released [NARG]  (Read 485158 times)

Are you ever going to make one that can actually track players?

been there done that not going there again

Beta Tester Application Outline
What I am looking for in an application:
 - Contanct information
    - Email: I'll PM you this if you want me, plus I have Skype if you like using that.
    - Forum account:
 - How much you play BL: From 3 to 7 hours a day, some times a lot longer. But then there's days I don't play at all. I would say at least 35 hours a week.
    - What Times I usually play when this clock is between 15:05:00 and 3:00:00 (sometimes I'm up later in the Night)
 - How much you know about scripting/modeling Modeling a little, Scripting not much at all.
 - Qualifications/Previous work Nothing. :/

Please answer the following literary competence question:
To what extent do violent video games influence our society?
Violent video games are more commendable to our society than abominable. For example, you have Grand Theft Auto, a game with gangs, drugs, killing, and even rape. If a messed up person that needs to kill to feel happiness then its good they got their hands on a X-box controller before getting there hands on a gun. Games like Grand Theft auto will satisfy their needs. Plus take a child, still learning, adapting, still trying to apprehend the world. From video games they're going to learn skills like, problem solving, following instructions and Hand-eye coordination. Depending on the game they're playing they can even learn Resource management and logistics ex. SimCity or Age of Empires...

 I'm starting to think you don't want to a too detailed answer so I'm just going to shorten what I want to say up. Video Games teach people Multitasking, Quick thinking, Strategy, memory and even important life skills like perseverance. So aside from obesity Videogames are all in all a great influence to society and they don't promote violence.

also not to mention numerous private mods for friends and unreleased client sided mods.
I can vouch for that.

Anyway I recommend this guy.

nexus just send me a serversided terragen.
EDIT It's real c: Nexus dont u dare release

nexus just send me a serversided terragen.
EDIT It's real c: Nexus dont u dare release

post vid

also am I in for the tmbi mod

so wait there's no difference between client_radar and sky eye?

beeeecause client_radar doesn't do anything except let you place little red dots down and look at them
no players appearing in blue :/
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 04:25:23 PM by 300spartan »

I'm starting to think you don't want to a too detailed answer

Not at all!

I've begun doubting the ability of the blockland forums to really give me anything more than a "I think a/b idk why" answer.
I would be more than happy to accept you onto the beta team.

so wait there's no difference between client_radar and sky eye?

beeeecause client_radar doesn't do anything except let you place little red dots down and look at them
no players appearing in blue :/

The radar is pretty much what skyeye turned into once I decided not to release it as a player finder.  I also have a version of it that can display a top down view of all the bricks in the server (I needed to pull some magic strings to keep this from being laggy) but it has a couple of weird gamebreaking bugs that I got frustrated with and gave up on.  After TMBI I can take another stab at it if people are interested.

also am I in for the tmbi mod

Hmm.  I was thinking of doing something where each of my beta testers had one sort of "beta pass" thing.  They would be allowed to share the mod with one person if I approve of them and they risk being kicked off the beta team if they vouch for someone that ends up a Xanner.  That would probably be a good way to increase how much beta testing gets done without worrying about too large of a beta team.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2012, 06:14:26 PM by Nexus »

After TMBI I can take another stab at it if people are interested.
i read this and i thought to my self
if you don't do it, ill stab YOU


the brick thing would be cool. and if you're only using one or two colors, delete the others in the UI folder.
and here's a free skin

btw it's trans'd in the middle

i read this and i thought to my self
if you don't do it, ill stab YOU
please brian put the knife away you're scaring the children


the brick thing would be cool. and if you're only using one or two colors, delete the others in the UI folder.
and here's a free skin

btw it's trans'd in the middle

The other colors are for if you want to manually add waypoints and for future whatever.

Also the radar with bricks is square.

nexus just send me a serversided terragen.
EDIT It's real c: Nexus dont u dare release

how do i get terrgain to work i started a server and i walked but nothing happend

how do i get terrgain to work i started a server and i walked but nothing happend

Download Terragen v1.1  

As of v20 multiplayer no longer works.  Please select single player when starting an adventure.

 - Initial release
 - Adding single player mode for macs
 - Made a prompt if a mac tries to use multiplayer mode
- Included an instructions.txt
    - Read it u noobs