Author Topic: Emitting a particle from a set position in a model? (Emitter Node?)  (Read 1762 times)

Is there an emitter node of sorts for models from where it would be possible to emit a particle? I'm creating a bomb and I'd like the flame to be at the tip of the fuse.

I believe you can actually create a joint on the model and have the emitter spawn from there, I've seen tons of vehicles use it

try looking at kaje's minijet

Oh yeah. Well I looked through the script and plundered the .dts with Notepad++ but didn't find anything of use.

function JetEngineImage2::onDone(%this,%obj,%slot)

function JetEngineCheck(%obj)
//   return;

   %speed = vectorLen(%obj.getVelocity());
   if(%speed < %obj.dataBlock.minJetEngineSpeed)
      if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) !$= "")
         // %obj.unMountImage(3);
      if(%obj.getMountedImage(0) $= 0)
         // %obj.mountImage(contrailImage2,3);
      if(%obj.getMountedImage(1) $= 0)
      if(%obj.getMountedImage(1) !$= "")


I'm not a scripter. Mounting images tells me nothing.

Its kind of hard to explain, but I can narrow it down