
battlefield 4

wowsers in my trousers
55 (37.9%)
17 (11.7%)
44 (30.3%)
10 (6.9%)
wish it didnt exist
19 (13.1%)

Total Members Voted: 145

Author Topic: Battlefield Megathread  (Read 510493 times)

Dice has no date because they want to make sure they can get it on that date. They don't want to disappoint you by having the date delayed and having it later, etc.

I heard that the beta starts tomorrow.
Could be true, probably not though.

I heard that the beta starts tomorrow.
Could be true, probably not though.
It was also rumored quite a lot that it would begin September 9th but that never happened :(
If anything at all we'll just get a confirmed date. Dice said there are no surprises, so they'll at least give us a few days ahead of schedule when beta starts.

Pre order BF3 on PC with origin to get dead space 2 for free! http://store.origin.com/store/ea/html/pbPage.bf3promo/



It's for singleplayer

Looks amazing. Nearly as good as the PC version, but I'm just saying this in terms of graphics.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2011, 06:27:11 PM by Shell »

You should do a countdown.
its like a month and a week now before BF3

<div style="background:#000;width:350px;height:260px;font:0px sans-serif;text-align:left;"><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="350" height="240" id="cdtob1779" style="outline:none"><param name="movie" value="http://countingdownto.com/w/Widget.swf?eid=1779" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><embed src="http://countingdownto.com/w/Widget.swf?eid=1779" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="350" height="240" allowscriptaccess="always" bgcolor="#000000" style="outline:none"></embed></object><br/><a href="http://countingdownto.com" style="font:bold 8px Arial;padding-left:19px;color:#555;text-decoration:underline;" id="cdtl1779">CREATE YOUR OWN COUNTDOWN WIDGET</a></div>

Fix this for me and I will.

God damn this is annoying. I can't find a BF3 countdown that uses bbcode.

I have to say, the Xbox 360 version looks much better than I expected. Even if the graphics are a little less intense, there's still the really good audio, the awesome lighting, and plus the multiplayer, at a slight cost to the player max.

If you get it for the 360, you're not missing out on much.

EA and DICE have previously stated that they plan up to 3X the amount of DLC for Battlefield 3 compared to Bad Company 2. Speaking to OXM, DICE producer Patrick Bach revealed a few interesting details about Battlefield players’ views on downloadable content. Bach said:

“We actually got a lot of flack for giving away free maps. I know it sounds weird, but people got really upset with us. People said: ‘if you’re giving it away, why couldn’t you give it away earlier?’ There were a lot of complaints.”

DICE released a lot of Bad Company 2 content, mostly maps that were redesigned to support other game modes, and remade maps from Bad Company 1. However, the only paid DLC for Bad Company 2, Vietnam, was well received, despite costing $10.

“The only thing we’ve done that was more or less 100% positive was Vietnam: it was a bigger pack and we charged for it, but everyone saw the value, and everyone enjoyed the game.”

Bach said that when gamers paid for something, they expected a much greater value than if it was released for free, saying “people get very suspicious when they get something for free”. He also stressed that this hasn’t discouraged DICE from not giving away free DLC — they still plan on giving out free DLC for Battlefield 3.

Even before the game is out, there is already a free DLC available: If you pre-order Battlefield 3, you’ll get the Back to Karkand expansion for free.

People should stop complaining. Because a good half of the people who complain probably couldn't afford it if cost money.

Few classes. I read the OXM report. Sounds like you can get vehicles stuff easy. I think I'll stick with CoD, thank you very much. It's different. Battlefeild follows the same stuff of being in the middle east fighting the Talibuttforgets.