Author Topic: Terrain Build: Demo Ruins  (Read 9875 times)

Demo Ruins is a terrain build featuring all your favorite Blockland builds in a whole new light.  See old default saves and other classics old, destroyed and in ruins.

Demo Ruins came about in Badspot's Block Party.  While flying around I saw a small hut overgrown with grass and vines.  It was rather spammy looking and I do believe Ephi deleted it, but it made me think about Portal 2...  In Portal 2 you see a lot of the old chambers in ruins after 100s of years.  Then I thought, wouldn't it be cool if I tried that with a Blockland save?  Being in Badspot's server, I thought the Demo House would be the easiest, and most recognizable, thing to recreate.

I didn't just want a stupid demo house though, that's boring.  I also wanted it to lead into an adventure by rigging up a nice event sequence in the house.  I started by making the "Try clicking on the light" text flicker onto your screen and dim out after you click the light.  Then editing the light to flicker on and off until it short circuits and breaks the floor below you.  This lead into a series of Mines that I carried on from the build beside me (which featured the "Ye Ol' Mines".  

Apparently, my work was inspiring B), and DarkScropion started work on a ruined Pong build.  It's pong projectile bounced around and broke out of the frame, the alarm was broken, and it was all out of whack.  I loved it.  I'm_AFK being my faithful companion through the server decided to make Demo Fort from the kitchen in ruins near my house as well.  I loved that too.  

I loved all these builds and thought almost all the default save files would look great in ruins!  So I saved up Badspot's server and went back to mine.  I destroyed everything but the 3 ruined builds (and some wonderful terrain by jediman in front of my house I just couldn't bring myself to remove).  So here we are, and we need your help!

(TL;DR: I thought it'd be cool to make a demo house in ruins, people made other demo builds, and then I started this server)

This is a list of the users who have helped out on the build.  Bolded names are "Main Crew" members who are always on the server or help out a lot.

  • Squarehead (BL_ID: 748) - Server host
  • °ªÐråîth³ (BL_ID: 18589) - Professional Lawn and Grass Growing Consultant
        "Your ass is grass"
        No, "Single. B)"
        WAIT, Put "forget you, I'm a hummingbird."
        Or "forget your lettuce."
  • Jirue (BL_ID: 212) - Project Director and overall neat guy
        "Draith you have to pick one quote >.>"
  • Brickman (BL_ID: 4603) - Terrain Builder
        "i helped so much i woke up naked"
  • Zan (BL_ID:10725) - Terrain Builder
  • Xanner (BL_ID: 7101) - Kaje's Castle
  • jediman (BL_ID: ???) - Terrain
  • Barnabas (BL_ID: ???) - Highway tunnel style




Funny/fun/bizzare/whatever memories :)

July 18, 2011:  Squarehead's server down, possibly going to attempt to put dedi back up some time today.
July 18, 2011:  Added cool fonts to the different sections B)
July 18, 2011:  Squarehead's server is back! :D
July 22, 2011:  "Demo Blockland Sign" is up on a hill and the 'entrance' area for ACM city is almost complete.  ACM city is completely loaded and ready to be duped once terrain is finished.
August 1, 2011:  Server is back and up and running.
August 2, 2011:  New "Evony Spoof" ad created for the build.

So what are you waiting for???  Come on down and add to the terrain!  Add more adventures!  Add more RUINED DEMO BUILDS :D  
SquareHead is currently my host because my server was acting up and being quite laggy.

**Jirue and Plornt have decided that rather than just keep their Treasure Chest mod completely private, they will give it to users who help out a lot with this build.  If you help out enough you will receive a PM with the Brick_TreasureChest mod inside.  NOTE:  If you received this mod as a gift before August 7th, yours is outdated and has a minor bug.  Please ask Jirue to send you the new version.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 04:55:25 PM by Jay the Cartoonist »

Interesting. Perhaps I'll visit this later.

You killed pong...

Bump.  IDK where Squarehead's server went :|

>upside down grass emmiter
do want, everytime I've tried to do grass edits they always fail :c

Also this looks really neat, nice job!

>upside down grass emmiter
do want, everytime I've tried to do grass edits they always fail :c

Also this looks really neat, nice job!
It's default grass with the direction turned to "D"  :cookieMonster:

Wow, this is an excellent idea. I'm definetly visiting the server next time it's up.

It's default grass with the direction turned to "D"  :cookieMonster:

I never knew the grass emmiter could be turned :o
Also I think I'll try ruining a few builds when I get some spare time and see what capabilities I have with ruin building.

Oh god, these are wonderful.

I read that as "Terraria Build"
I was like

Fun Fact Time!

This was built on UngaBunga's Hill

Great topic, Jirhue. I had no idea you would post this on forums! Hahah!  :cookieMonster: