Author Topic: Questions about Fan Art  (Read 425 times)

I have recently been wondering, "What program should I use to make fan art?" I am currently using Paint.Net for my feeble attempts at making fan art, however I do not know what program I should use, and exactly how to give it the correct atmosphere, for example, currently with Paint.Net, I am inable to use browns and make the dark colors of the Necromorphs from Dead Space.

 Basically my question is: What program should I use, and how should I go about doing it?

Dude, fan art isn't a profession or anything, use whatever program you find the best.

Photoshop + good tablet

Any for free? I have NO idea how I'm supposed to do this :/

If you can't figure out what image drawing program is the best suited for you, then you can't draw fanart.

Get a decent tablet. They cost a bit but drawing with a mouse is stuff beyond stuff
Alternatively to Photoshop you could use GIMP 2.0

If you can't figure out what image drawing program is the best suited for you, then you can't draw fanart.

I'm asking for help, not for you to tell ms I'm inable. For example, the man who created the Internet, his friends told him he COULD NOT DO IT, but nowadays he is probably the richest man on earth for it

Get a decent tablet. They cost a bit but drawing with a mouse is stuff beyond stuff
Alternatively to Photoshop you could use GIMP 2.0


My question is answered, this topic will now be locked.