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Author Topic: Stalkers vs Humans - RELEASED  (Read 35129 times)

   The Craftsmen have decided that it is unlikely that we will continue the development or hosting of this project. Since the community enjoyed it so much, we have also decided to give it to you all for further development. Be warned, it was not designed with ease of use for server operators in mind. It would need considerable cleanup for a more formal release. Anyone who wishes to clean it up and release it on RtB's download system may do so, just please ask us before you do.

   Some warnings: The account system was not a great idea. Less intelligent users are likely to use the same username/password they use on the forums, and hosts have access to the data stored by the mod. However, if you make up a username/password specifically for use with SvH you have nothing to fear. Future editors of the mod would be advised to remove this feature and replace it with something more secure without removing the benefits (two people using the same key can use different accounts, for example). Additionally, though there are some checks already in the mod, it is likely to interfere with non-SvH minigames, and hosts would be advised to disable SvH if they don't plan to use it.

Without further ado, here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?2n7whhyak0ua7

            But what does it do?!
  • Unlocks the achievement "StalkerDM Fan" for 10 points.
  • Contains a GUI for equipping your items. You can set the keybind that opens this GUI in your standard controls menu.
  • Gives you "night vision" while playing as a stalker.

   DONATIONS: You may donate at http://wbjah.com/cmen/donate.htm. all donations will go towards the server, which costs us $6 per month. Send me a PM with the email associated with your paypal account or the one provided at the time of donation and I will verify that your donation was received and we can negotiate special donator privileges (these will not be donate-to-win style).

   All donors will have a nearly 100% chance to be placed on their preferred team and will receive a special designation in chat messages. They will also be able to access a custom model for a weapon of their choice. The model used for this custom weapon can be provided by you or made by one of our modellers, and may include particles.

   A new inquiry into the ancient Aztec civilization has led a team of Archaeologists to central America, where great riches, vast deposits of knowledge, and still greater danger await them: some of the newly discovered ruins were not devoid of activity upon the arrival of the Archaeologists.
   The "inhabitants" of the ruins, dubbed "Stalkers" for their preferred method of killing, are dangerous beings that fiercely guard the ruins. A team of mercenaries was sent in to clear them out and allow research. While the first groups saw moderate success, the Stalkers grew accustomed to their weaponry and adapted. From that point on, central America came to become known as a Self Delete assignment.
   Despite the vengeful spirit's corporeal form being vulnerable to conventional weapons, what they lack in weaponry they more then make up for in cunning and dark magic. In an effort to recruit even more forces without needing to buy each mercenary, the Archaeologists are offering top-dollar to he who can successfully defeat the Stalker menace. The organization ASORL attempts to crush the "stalkers" with a pile of bodies. Now, on the onset of a great war, one question stands above all others:

Who will win? The Stalkers - or the Humans?


Blockland.us detail view page

These pictures are very outdated, but give you a good idea of the basic layout of the map. A new map is one the way.

The exterior of the Stalker Temple.

An ancient device of an unknown purpose. A fire dies quietly nearby, the only remnant of an abandoned camp.

An inaccessible building.

The lava pit to one side of the Gatehouse.

The Altar Room of the Temple, the stalker base of operations.

The front room of the Temple. (Taken on Slate Dark)

The Courtyard, from above.

The entrance to the Gatehouse, the humans' base of operations.

The build viewed from the top of the Gatehouse portcullis.

Item/mechanic suggestions welcome!

The human team includes Archaeologists, mercenaries, and ASORL members. Their goal is to stop the Stalker defense and recover as many artifacts and as much information as possible.

  • Gun Weapon Slot
    • Pistol (Default) - 15 damage. 140 max ammo, regens 28 rounds/min. Includes anti-cloak flashlight.
    • (Pump) Shotgun - 8x7 damage. 50 max ammo, regens 10 rounds/min.
    • Assault Rifle - 10-20 damage. 200 max ammo, regens 20 rounds/min.
    • Accelerated Carbon Regeneration Aura (A.C.R.A.) - Healing device. Heals nearby teammates for 5 every second.
    • Flamethrower - A terrifying weapon the fires bursts of flame, lighting nearby enemies on fire for a short period.
  • Melee Weapon Slot
    • Katana (Default) - 20 damage.
    • Taser - Incapacitates target for 4 seconds. 16 brick range, 15 second cooldown.
    • Repulsor - Knocks the target(s) back.
    • Sledgehammer - Dazes the victim, slowing them for 2 seconds.
    • Shield - A large shield that repels attacks and reflects spells.
  • Gadget Slot
    • Stimpak (Default) - Medkits that can be used on other players or yourself to heal for 50 over 10 seconds. 20 second cooldown instead of one-time use.
    • Flares - Light up a zone, preventing nearby Stalkers from cloaking. 16 brick radius, 8 second duration, 45 second cooldown.
    • Proximity Shocker - Stuns Stalkers that touch you for 1 second. 15 second cooldown.
    • Body Armor - Reduces damage taken. 50% of frontal, 35% of side, and 20% of back damage is negated.
    • Rocket Boots - Uses rocket propulsion to enable a speedy getaway. Increases movement speed by 300% for 5 seconds, but while running at this speed you are unable to use any weapons. 60 second cooldown.

Basic Strategy: Travel in groups. Do not underestimate the usefulness pistol's flashlight. Watch your teammate's backs. The Stalkers have knives, you have a gun - keep them at a distance and pick them off. Humans are practically fodder while solo.

The Stalkers are the guardians of the newly discovered Aztec ruins, the Aztec god Omacatl's fury incarnate. Their goal is simple: protect the ruins from the human invaders.

  • Knife Slot
    • Note: All knives deal double damage from behind unless noted otherwise.
    • Stalker Knife (Default) - 15 damage, 85 crits (boom) from behind within 1.5 seconds of being cloaked.
    • Momentum Knife - 10 damage. Deals increased damage based on the speed you are moving.
    • Shadow Knife - 15 damage. Does not break cloak, and blinds the victim for 1.5 seconds. However, causes movement while cloaked to drain energy (the cloak will break if you run out of energy).
    • Bloodlust Knife - 20 damage, +5% of damage caused this life.
    • Serrated Knife - 15 damage +15 bleed damage over 4 seconds.
  • Magic Slot
    • Darkness (Default) - Blinds target for a short time. 6 second duration, 12 second cooldown.
    • Paralysis - Stuns target for 5 seconds, but also stuns the caster for 2.5 seconds.
    • Shadowstep - Step through the shadows and appear behind the target. Does not break cloak. 24 second cooldown.
    • Schizophrenia - Makes the target hallucinate, as if they were being attacked.
    • Gripping Shadows - Stops the target in its tracks, immobilizing it for 5 seconds.
  • Curse Slot
    • Toxin (Default) - 4 seconds of exposure causes a 5 second stun effect. Looks like a poison cloud.
    • Wrath - Ticks per 2 seconds, dealing 2 damage. Exposure causes increased damage (double per stack, building per tick, up to 64). Looks like fire.
    • Rage -  Humans within the zone take increased damage from all attacks, with the effect increasing over time. Looks like angry red clouds.
    • Abyss - Slows down all humans within the target area. If they remain within the curse for 7 seconds, they will be continuously blinded until the curse ends or they leave its area of effect.
    • Psychosis - Every 2 seconds, a dummy Stalker will appear and charge each human within this curse. The dummy stalker will disappear upon colliding with a human or taking damage. It would be an excellent idea to follow the dummies into the fray while the humans are distracted.

Basic Strategy: Overuse your cloaking ability. Attack from behind, and whatever you do, don't get noticed. Pick off lone humans and kill pairs by blinding one and blitzing the other. Groups can be dispersed by throwing a curse their way. Use your speed to your advantage.

  • Stalkers can smell for nearby humans using the light key. This will reveal the number of humans nearby, as well as the approximate distance and direction of the nearest one.
  • Stalkers can cloak with the jet key. Cloaking makes them completely invisible, but taking damage or being hit with a flashlight beam will make the cloaking much less effective for a short time. You cannot cloak within a certain amount of time after taking or dealing damage.
  • Being stunned or attacking by any means (except while using the Shadow Knife) will uncloak a stalker completely.
  • Humans equipped with the pistol can use the Flashlight to reveal cloaked stalkers near the beam. The Flashlight is activated with the light key. Flashlight use will drain energy, which recharges slowly for the human team.
  • You can change your equipped items with the /setloadout <item> command. Additional items can be unlocked by purchasing them with achievement points.
  • Most short-range weapons (and Stalker magic) use a conal raycast system, meaning you only need to be aiming within a certain number of degrees to hit something. This is 30 degrees for most weapons.
  • Most items (notably excluding the Humans' Taser and Stalkers' curses) will only trigger their cooldown if they hit something.
  • Knives are invisible while cloaked. Readying a spell is completely visible while cloaked.
  • The /alarm emote will alert nearby teammates that you need assistance, as well as informing them of your approximate location.
  • The curses are meant as area denial weapons. None of them are worth using against one target, and they have a minimum range. They are most effective against large, slow-moving groups and extremely effective when multiple stalkers "layer" the same curse.
  • You can view the items with the /viewstore <section> command. The items can be bought with the /buy <item> command. Items are bought with achievement points.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2012, 05:38:22 PM by Amade »

conksuck gamemode

It's always fun to host this.  Good work on the build, too.

conksuck gamemode
it even blows ass for nickels!

Umm..  I swear I played this like..  a few months ago..

Deja Vu?

That's definitely possible because we've been working on the build and the gamemode for more than a year now (on and off, which is why it's still a WIP).

I don't see a stuff on the Courtyard pic.   ;_;

I don't see a stuff on the Courtyard pic.   ;_;
Me either.

those builds are so loving magical