Author Topic: Tingalz and Qwepir - Broken logic  (Read 3838 times)

So i was building in Tawm's server, and, well, you see for yourself.

Why are you surprised by this?

It's okay, you're banned. You won't have to deal with it any more.

I don't get it. I can't really see what they did wrong.

you forgot the part where i helped you with botevents yesterday
and i did practically nothing lol i was joking around. i'm not even admin and even if i would i probably wouldn't have kicked you at all

I don't understand this.

I need more backstory to understand theses screenshots.

It's okay, you're banned. You won't have to deal with it any more.
Banned for what? this is a bullstuff move.

Double toast, I don't see anything wrong here anyways.

Banned for what? this is a bullstuff move.
I warned him a while ago that he can either argue or stay. He chose to argue.

I warned him a while ago that he can either argue or stay. He chose to argue.
Oh, that makes sense.

Oh, also you forgot the part where you cleared part of asablief's build so you could make some spawn bricks for your minigame.

Banned for what? this is a bullstuff move.
Sorry but bringing everyone else into a dispute (creating a drama topic) is a good reason to be banned.


Is a stupid little argument really a reason or a drama topic?

I can't really understand what's happening anyway.

I can't really understand what's happening anyway.

Apparently D3ATHCAT being stupid.