Author Topic: At least 91 people killed after amok-run in Oslo  (Read 10413 times)

poor Oslo :( My mother is from norway so I really like that place :(
Norway is a beautiful country. Very laidback and peaceful. Untill now :(

The lady in the first pic is like OMG WAHT DO!

I say the same exact topic on the MC fourms :o

Just heard that Breivik has confessed his crime.

Terrorists and mentally ill should be executed, they had an article that a person with a cop outfit went to a youth camp and shot randomly, he told the kids it was ok to come close then grabbed a gun and shot them ALL, and to make sure there were no survivors he shot them in the head with a shotgun, When I read that it made me sick. Who the hell attacks defenseless kids, killing is sick as it is but KIDS? I think that the person should be shot once for each person they killed, and if they Self Deleted, throw the body in shark infested waters.

forget. I like Scandinavia.


forgetin' Samscwamsh

Has anyone come out yet and claimed responsibility?

Just heard that Breivik has confessed his crime.

I hope you guys know that he will be serving 21 years, yes, that's the MAXIMUM number of years you can get in Norway, (there's no death penalty either) in a luxurious prison.

lol yurop.


I hope you guys know that he will be serving 21 years, yes, that's the MAXIMUM number of years you can get in Norway, (there's no death penalty either) in a luxurious prison.

lol yurop.

That was his plan all along

europeans really seems to hate immigrants.
I'm fine with them unless they think they can do whatever they want here. They're people just like us and they have to obey the law just like we do.

I hope you guys know that he will be serving 21 years, yes, that's the MAXIMUM number of years you can get in Norway, (there's no death penalty either) in a luxurious prison.
I think the Norwegian government will learn from this incident, though. They might change that law in the future. 21 is ridiculously low for someone who murdered people.


I hope you guys know that he will be serving 21 years, yes, that's the MAXIMUM number of years you can get in Norway, (there's no death penalty either) in a luxurious prison.

lol yurop.
If they behave well and don't do anything stupid while in prison, there is a fair chance they'll get out after 15 years. That is pretty forgeted up.

This article on foreign policy talks a bit about the motives behind the crime.

I hope you guys know that he will be serving 21 years, yes, that's the MAXIMUM number of years you can get in Norway, (there's no death penalty either) in a luxurious prison.
It is true that the minimum is 6 years and the maximum is 21 years (Part 2, Chapter 22, Section 233, The General Civil Penal Code). I would like to point out that it is not infrequent that second degree murder in the US is also punished with sentences in the 10-20 year range, even if the maximum sentence is life (link).

In any case, what you're missing is that he would be charged with multiple counts of murder, and probably other crimes like destruction of property, which could easily have him serving several lifetimes in prison.

The lady in the first pic is like OMG WAHT DO!
I'm sure that's exactly what she was thinking. How'd you react?
"Ooh, just like in MW2! Hahaha, people are dying!"

He should be hung. In public.