
Is my mom being reasonable or is she being overprotective?

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Author Topic: I'm seriously getting tired of my mom bugging me about playing killing games.  (Read 17326 times)

She just says "I don't believe in those kinds of games"

Quote Topato in Bonus Stage Episode 6:
I do not believe in moms! Begone!

Okay, what the hell.
She told her friend or sister or somebody down in Florida about me wanting to play violent video games.


Yeah, there are only so many Mario and Sonic and other platforming games that don't suck.
Jesus, it's not like I'm going to become a serial killer. I asked her if she really thought that and she laughed, but just yesterday when she was talking to that person she says "He'll become a serial killer" or something similar. It's not like playing Black Ops will lead to the next controversial school shooting.

shooters will make you a serial killer no shut up and eat your loving vegetables

I think some people will just naturally grow up to be a bad person no matter what type of environment they have, I also think some people truly will become serial killers/gangsters/whatever if they play violent video games all the time.

I've been around rap music and violence all my life and I turned out good. My friend on the other hand has been around the same and he is a troublemaker.

I play Minecraft and Blockland and Stepmania and other not violent games, and I like them, but playing just non-violent games isn't going to make me happy and cheerful and always be positive. They're just games. I wouldn't be playing just violent games, I'd be playing the games I usually play like Minecraft also. I wouldn't just play CoD or CS.

Make up some stupid stuff, like
"Everyone has a thirst for blood because of how we used to live, but because we don't go out and kill something for survival anymore we need other ways to keep us satisfied with the disire to kill. Games only quench the thirst so we don't become violent killers later on because of the lack of killing"

And if I tell her they're just entertaining (because a game is supposed to be entertaining) "Oh, killing people is entertaining?"
And apparently, games like CoD and CS are simulators and role playing games.

My mom has a grudge against all games. She says it's the only thing we want to do. (Me and my 17 year old brother, who plays WoW.) However, I sail, get straight A's, am a Junior Olympic swimmer, and hang out with friends. My brother has a 4.6 GPA, plays a stuff ton of water polo, reads copious amounts of science fiction, and merely raids with his guild on weekends. And she thinks we're going to turn into unsuccessful fat people.e

Title reminded me of this:

if you have ever watched a somewhat large number of R-rated movies, you can try my plan

"well, why do you let me watch R-rated movies if i can't play games with much, MUCH less gore and killing?"

and this could work in one of two ways:
1) she agrees with you and lets you kill everything in sight play games like mentioned in OP
2) she completely disagrees with you and uses broken logic to never let you watch R-rated movies again

or you could tell her it's just a game, and it has no actual connections with real life

Clearly she is ignorant to the fact that reallife can be violenter.

Clearly she is ignorant to the fact that reallife can be violenter.
MEXICAN DRUG WARS. whoooooooooo.



Like Mario: you jump on your enemies heads, Mario just to name one child-friendly game.

Of all things, she should keep you away from GTA or something.

1940: People love their families

2011: "I hate my mom, all she does is love and care for me but I hate her because she doesn't let me play shooting games"