
Is my mom being reasonable or is she being overprotective?

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Author Topic: I'm seriously getting tired of my mom bugging me about playing killing games.  (Read 17276 times)

Killing games...

You mean loving all of them?

Jake, I bought TF2 before all of the F2P cigarettes. Go buy premium like a boss.

Drerrp, I bought it a couple years ago too. :3

Point out to her that people thousands of years ago still did terribly brutal things without video games that would "influence" (read: be used as an excuse for their undetected mental disorders) such behavior.

The Ancient Romans were one of the more brutal ancient cultures. Their idea of fun was to watch boxing, but not our modern boxing. Each participant was tied, sitting down to a stone block only a few inches away from the other man. Then each man would wear steel gloves with long spikes on the knuckles and they would fight to the death.

The Romans would also throw unarmed slaves into a fight with a lion or some other wild animal. Guess who died on the ground with their entrails scattered around them?

In one of the after battle ceremonies after gladiators would fight, a man would come out dressed as Hermes with a huge stone hammer and smash all of the dead people's skulls to make sure they were dead, and this resulted in a large amount of grey matter on the ground.

A Roman gladiator, in an unarmed fight with another, once pinned his opponent to the ground and dug out his intestines with his fingernails and ate them right there in the arena, while his opponent lay on the ground dying considering he had a giant hole in his abdomen which was gushing blood like a geyser.

Bring these stories up, because the Romans had no video games yet they still watched/performed these acts. I could go on and on about brutal customs before video games.

Good point. Or HL2, you are killing aleins and national socialist bastards from another something or other.
Oh god yes play HL2 say you are saving earth from an Alien Holocaust!!!!

I love HL2 :)

1940: People love their families

2011: "I hate my mom, all she does is love and care for me but I hate her because she doesn't let me play shooting games"
Go jump in a hole.
I love my parents.

I was like 8 and watching Die Hard with my dad

Almost all my Xbox 360 games are killing people:

Halo 3

1940: People love their families

2011: "I hate my mom, all she does is love and care for me but I hate her because she doesn't let me play shooting games"
Sorry to break it to you, but moms were treated pretty bad then. The women of the family were put down and belittled, but the mom did have some sort of authority of the male children.

Show her the Penn & Teller episode.

My mom is actually to an extent okay with violent games, unless they are over-the-top blood and killing like some. She and I both dislike blood in games. My mom is actually very pro-army, and she has said she would be happy if I joined the army as long as the U.S. is not at war. She also likes Star Wars. I was 10, and asked if I could DL a Star Wars game to my computer. I said it was rated T. She looked at the "Star Wars" title and instantly said yes. I love my mom...

My dad, however... Different story... He's almost ANTI-army. He said, in the same conversation as my mom saying I can join the military in peacetime, that I should have absolutely nothing to do with the military EVER. He forbade me from watching the show "Deadliest Warrior" because he says it's, and I quote, "Teaching you how to kill people." I have to get all videogames approved by my dad before I can play them.

It's like Yin and Yang with my mom and dad.

BACK UP THE TRUCK. You bought these games, and she took them? Isn't that stealing, aka a crime?
But but, that show is loving awesome!

My mom actually banned me from playing Shadow the Hedgehog because of all the evil stuff I was doing. I told her that it was just mostly robots and aliens that you fight instead of just humans, and being on the evil side of actually part of the game and there's no blood or gore in it, but that still didn't change her mind...

I got yelled at for playing Spiral Knights because you kill things.
Wow. I bet your mother faints when she sees you kill a fly.

2011: "I hate my mom, all she does is love and care for me but I hate her because she doesn't let me play shooting games"
Read the loving OP and you'll realize what a hypocritical bitch his mom is when it comes to video games.
She says that she is opposed the violence and the army, and yet she says that the people who make these games should be strung up by their balls.
Sounds like SHE was playing games like Postal and MW2 when she was a little kid.

Do you even SEE all the gore mods on Blockland? Your mother needs to face the facts that only about %2 of children who play "violent" video games turn into killers ripping other people's entrails out and crushing their heads with a sledgehammer.
Yes, I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but they seem correct.

I go back to school tomorrow.
I have to have lights-out by nine, and be up at 7:30.
I can't play games when everyone is asleep on the weekdays because I have school.

Do you even SEE all the gore mods on Blockland? Your mother needs to face the facts that only about %2 of children who play "violent" video games turn into killers ripping other people's entrails out and crushing their heads with a sledgehammer.
Yes, I pulled those numbers out of my ass, but they seem correct.

Keyword = Sledgehammer