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Author Topic: The Ice Age  (Read 1803 times)

Its the year 2016, new technology is made and, new cures and virus's have been found, yet non of this prepared us for the meteor that hit on March 9Th, when it hit caused weather changes all over the world, the temperature  dropped to under -20 Degrees already, and your not prepared for this, you have managed to start a little fire, sadly that's all you have done

 HP:91 (HP slowly decreasing because of Hypothermia)


In the distance you see a man with supply, yet he seems mad what do you do?

Aww, no replies yet  :panda:

Punch the man and take his supplies.  This is srs post too.

You beat him up and take his supply, he has 10  :cookie:'s and a crowbar, he also has sleeping bag,
HP:100 (You have warm cloths now :D)

{Warm Cloths}

Should you sleep or try to search for supply?

What does the area around me look like?  Is there any trees?

You rape the fireplace to have your richard burned


{Warm Cloths}

Fap to regain health.

You fap to regain health, result, a painful icicle problem


{Warm Cloths}
{An icicle with some skin on it}

You decide to sleep and wake up the next morning to be stuck in a blizzard, you have a enough lumber to build a little cabin, build a cabin or try to survive?

This is so dramatic... I want a movie of this!   :panda:

What does the area around me look like?  Is there any trees?
Sorry I didn't see this before, their are some dead trees around you, jagged mountains and a lake covered in ice

This is so dramatic... I want a movie of this!   :panda:
Watching a man fap and then having an icicle problem= win???

Gather dead tree wood, build fire, gain warm.

Make some of the wood into a pickaxe, then dig underground.