Author Topic: Shattered Realm -A Forum RP- [Chapter 1: The Quest Begins]  (Read 3935 times)

Many years ago, the land of Infinia was peaceful and flourished greatly without any troubles... That is, until a mysterious figure cast his power over the land and claimed it as his own. Using the power of a rare and dangerous red crystal, he built himself an army of shadow warriors that enslaved a nearby town where he built his castle. The land fell to the shadows, but the cities remained strong. They fought the seemingly immortal beings and soon the dark king retreated, only to have his soldiers patrol the neighboring lands at night to find anyone foolish enough to wander out alone, making them his slave or killing them on the spot.

You have been sent from a land that has not yet been reached by the shadows. You are to report to your clan who have relocated to the city of Topu. You are currently unaware of the imminent dangers.

Chapter One: The Quest Begins

This is You:

Current Mission:
Survive to town.

You may create your character yourself using this: , in which case please include a name, or you may simply state the features.
-Hair/Hair color if any
-Eye color
-Shirt color and style
-Pants color

Those players who are not chosen may appear later on in the story as another playable character.

Player Status:

There is currently nothing in your Inventory and nothing in your Equipment slots, so I won't bother to show them yet.

Update Speed:
Varying on what I'm actually doing in real life, the speed of updates for this RP can vary from several a day to maybe even two a week. I will try to keep it as updated as quickly as I can.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:34:16 PM by Xinakam »

-Name: Kiro
-Hair/Hair color if any: Silver
-Eye color: Blue
-Shirt color and style: My avatar
-Pants color: Brown

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 02:28:09 PM by ? »

Sorry, forgot to tell you if you're making a picture, include the name too. Added to OP.

Are we allowed to start RPing yet?

If so I want to down to the market and look for work.

Are we allowed to start RPing yet?

If so I want to down to the market and look for work.
I wanted to get more players first. I don't think I would want to use your avatar since it's from a different game. Y'know, copyright and such... Trying to keep things original.

Edit: you can make more than one character if you like. I wanted to get at least 6 to choose from so I can use a die roll to choose.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 01:33:38 PM by Xinakam »

But I like the way my character looks! D:
That and I'm obsessed with Nier.

-Name Lobur
-Hair/Hair color if any Dark Orange
-Eye color brown
-Shirt color and style Grey
-Pants color grey

He is also a dwarf.

Gimp is being a bitch and not letting me edit the small image.

Name: Raimes
Hair: Black
Eye color: Brown
Shirt color: Red, with a white undershirt
Pants color: Khaki

-Name Lobur
-Hair/Hair color if any Dark Orange
-Eye color brown
-Shirt color and style Grey
-Pants color grey

He is also a dwarf.

How's That:
He would be considered a dwarf, but honestly I can't make these sprites any shorter.

Name: Doodler.
Hair/Hair color if any: Bald.
Eye color: Black.
Shirt color and style: White tank top.
Pants color: Blue jeans.

Alright, I'll settle for 4.

I'm going to roll a die in real life, what it lands on will determine who is the main character.

Kiro: 1  Doodler: 2  Lobur: 3  Raimes: 4 
5 and 6 will be roll again.

And it landed on...


Lobur is now the first main character!

Any opposed? Now to start the RPing!

« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 02:45:43 PM by Cyanian »