
What do you think?

Yay Star Wars!
69 (62.2%)
Want to Play
15 (13.5%)
Its alright
11 (9.9%)
Eww Star Wars
8 (7.2%)
I don't like Packers Models
8 (7.2%)

Total Members Voted: 44

Author Topic: Mini Star Wars Mod!  (Read 5965 times)

I've been working on this mod for a while now and I thought it was time to post a Thread! Its Based on the last 3 Star Wars movies, IV V VI. Its not Big mod with heaps of new add-ons its only going to be some basic Star Wars Stuff.

What will be included in this Mini Mod:
  • 2-3 Levels - A Space Level and The Death Star Run)
  • 2 Weapons - Rebel Blaster and Imperial Blaster
  • 2 Vehicles - X-Wing and Tie Fighter


Small FAQ type thing:
Q: Will the Tie and X be able to shoot?
A: I have no frickin idea, I've posted for help on that but only MC has helped.

Q: Will there be Uber Sabres!?
A: Maybe....

Q: Can I complain about any thing in this mod?
A: No you can go forget yourself and tell it to some body who cares, But Things like "The Blaster is over powered" is fine.

Wahh I wanna do the poll, I saw you making this topic on the activity list or whatever....The tie fighter doesn't look Blocko enough :/ Can you work off the Lego Starwars model? Also, I once build the Twin Pod Cloud Car in a mod that had all the parts needed, no brick editing was needed.....not giving mod name

I haven't done a Tie Fighter model yet? I tried the X-Wing Flat Shaded style... I didn't like it that much but future on I'll mite change back. All stuff in this Mod is made by me, some textures goto other people but I took them and changed them.. and the X-Wing ones are from a picture.

lol, nobody likes your packs.
i do tho.

lol, nobody likes your packs.
i do tho.
nice how you mention that nobody likes them BEFORE you say you do...

I've been working on this mod for a while now and I thought it was time to post a Thread! Its Based on the last 3 Star Wars movies, IV V VI. Its not Big mod with heaps of new add-ons its only going to be some basic Star Wars Stuff.

What will be included in this Mini Mod:
  • 2-3 Levels - A Space Level and The Death Star Run)
  • 2 Weapons - Rebel Blaster and Imperial Blaster
  • 2 Vehicles - X-Wing and Tie Fighter


Small FAQ type thing:
Q: Will the Tie and X be able to shoot?
A: I have no frickin idea, I've posted for help on that but only MC has helped.

Q: Will there be Uber Sabres!?
A: Maybe....

Q: Can I complain about any thing in this mod?
A: No you can go panda yourself and tell it to some body who cares, But Things like "The Blaster is over powered" is fine.

Most people don't read every thing before voting, so they look at the Pictures and say THATS CRAP and hit Packers Models Suck. The Star Destroyer was made using QuArk which isn't easy at all, The X-Wing Isn't finished and I've said that before. Its a WIP so you can't expect the best first up, only nub and n00b's want the best first.

Also SWM 2? You mean JVS? Trader didn't like me that much so I never ended up helping them.

SWM2 was the Star wars mod project i worked on endlessly. I had the maps and graphics finished, but i needed models.

I think I know where I was....

Well, i could have used your help then. Oh well.

ill code forcepowers for you if you want
in vanilla i successfully coded a force lightning ish thing that didnt lag :D

I like you just fine, Packer.  It's just that I rarely asked for help and usually when I did, no one ever produced anything usable.

But good luck : )  I'm sure I'll release force powers sometime soon.

no one ever produced anything usable.
I know the feeling don't worry =)

But good luck : )  I'm sure I'll release force powers sometime soon.
Thanks and Look forward to seeing them.

Good luck on this.

finally! someone tries to make star wars stuff for blockland retail! wish you all the luck! good luck and i hope it will be finished soon! :cookieMonster: sorry if I'm using ! alot. I'm just feeling a little shouty today.