Author Topic: I d'awwwwed everywhere.  (Read 429 times)

Well, here I am sitting in my chair. I've been watching youtube videos and such, and it's really dark since all lights off.

Well, I noticed something moving behind my monitor. So I decided to thwack it incase insects. Well, it's not an insect. It's my cat. I guess she snuck behind my monitor while I was eating or something, because I never seen her.

She's so cute right now. <3

(i am stupid with)
(PSSSSSS: Also, I never ended up hitting her because I turned on lights, and noticed fuzz.)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 02:04:55 AM by Jubel »

are you looking for the word d'aww

are you looking for the word d'aww
dude he just like killed his cat

You cried because of your cat's appearance?

I hit my cat a lot but not on accident. Sometimes I have to remind her who the superior lifeform is so I beat her down lest the fantasy of rebellion fester in her mind.

fixed op because i am dumm

Once my cat caught a chipmunk
I came outside in just time to see him eating it whole, tail and everything.
The only thing he left behind was the heart.

Once my cat caught a chipmunk
I came outside in just time to see him eating it whole, tail and everything.
The only thing he left behind was the heart.
Aw! How cute he must love you lots

Aw! How cute he must love you lots
No the heart is just a big sack of gristle and that is probably why it was left behind.

Once my cat caught a chipmunk
I came outside in just time to see him eating it whole, tail and everything.
The only thing he left behind was the heart.

Oh goody, just enough for the sacrifice!

No the heart is just a big sack of gristle and that is probably why it was left behind.