Author Topic: True or false statement?  (Read 268942 times)

No, she feeds off of souls, I thought everyone knew that...


the next person makes a statement

true i said it was a fact not a true false question
man your sick te way you like opra
« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 03:58:10 PM by ciber spy »


The next user has the possibility of being banned, but also being unbanned.

Um... True? :P

The next person has a wicked hair style

used to be true... but i havent been caring bout it recently so ive jsut been letting it flop....

the next person plays zombie survival


The next person will

false, i never have

the next person can spell

Tryue. :cookieMonster:

The next person once killed a person

Yes, in GTA.

The next person thinks Warhammer is purely winar.


the next person has acheived mroe than 3 kills in one zs game (sadly that is my record)

Don't play zs.

The next person is really good at first person shooters.


The next person doesn't celebrate sundays.

True. Sundays suck  :panda:

The next person posting in this thread is going to make a statement about the poster after him/her.

True... I think XD

The next person knows if i'll give a statement