Author Topic: League of Legends (LoL)  (Read 1433 times)

League of Legends is a free to play online fighting game. In the game, you are a summoner, and you control champions. You participate in fights in teams of one to five, in player versus player (PvP), co-op versus AI, and custom games, which can include bots and normal players in any combination.
The champions are permanently purchased using IP (influence points), or RP (Riot points, purchased with real money). IP is gained from playing games, and can also be used for buying other stuff, such as runes. RP can be used to buy all sorts of stuff, including champion skins and boosts.
Strategy is the most important part of this game, especially in PvP. You have to cooperate with your teammates and know what you're doing in order to win.
At all times, there are certain champions that are free to play, not costing anything, IP or RP. These cycle to allow players to try new champions for free.

Champions that I play as:

An incredibly fun champion to use once you're good with him. Focusing on AP, or ability power with Veigar is very effective. He is, however, difficult to master, as I have found.


Also a fun champion, though a little easier. She can be very effective in changing the tides of large fights, but you must be careful to keep her out of harm's way.


Tons of fun, but often taken. He is relatively easy to master after using other champions. He is great for slowly taking enemy champions' health down and chasing after them when they run.

This is a relatively self-centered look at the game, as I don't know the game quite well enough yet to give the best overview of everything. I may add more to this topic later if anyone is interested. This is the website.

If anyone wants to meet up with me, my username is 6leggedotter.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:25:29 PM by Katadeus »

It doesn't look like my kind of fun.

That's fine. It ain't everybody's cup of tea. Neither is Moxie.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 07:24:29 PM by Katadeus »

We do? I need to improve my searching skills.

remember to lock this

Yeah, it's best to do that.