Author Topic: How tall are you and how much do you weigh?  (Read 4206 times)

17 years old, 6'1", 195 lbs.

Haven't weighed myself in about a month though, so I may be a little off on that number.

I'm like, 4 9" and I weigh less than 80 pounds.
how do you...

how can you be over 10 and not be in triple digits for weight
I have an appetite problem.

5' 93lbs
im underweight

Height: 5 0.5 pounds Weight: Idk

Im so fat :(
So is Rascal.

Well, she lost some weight recently.

5'6" as of a little less than a year ago
120 lbs. as of recently

I needed to put on weight for football.
Plus I had gained a lot of muscle

5'9" I think and 244lbs. My diets been changed dramatically, though. I've lost 30lbs in less than a month and a half and I'm hoping for another 20 before September.