Author Topic: The Person Below Me...  (Read 56968 times)


TPBM will type in bold.

*shakes head no*

TPBM has a seasonal avatar.

not yet

the person below me will say no

If I say yes, the anwer will be no, if I say no, the answer will be yes.
Your post is invalid.

The person below me lives on Earth.
And if they say no, they're a dirty liar.

I used to.. before the storm..

The person below me used to be an adventurer until they took an arrow to the knee.  (overused skyrim joke har har)

Actually it was an artillery shell to my left shoulder but I still get around.

TPBM has incredible endurance.

the person below me has a deadly chihuahua

No pets.

The person below me has electricity.

What the hell is electricity?

TPBM has a calendar but does not mark anything on it.

The person below me has played Blockland.


The person below me is aware of my true form.


TPBM has played a first person shoother once.


The person below me has a bad habit.

Mmmm....yes :3

The person below me doesn't have a steam.

No, I have Steam. Silly Frontrox, you're on my Steam.

TPBM thinks this is ninja, as I do.