Author Topic: Nuclear Dawn - Megatopic - Must have game of the year!  (Read 1219 times)

So I pre-ordered Nuclear Dawn on Steam. Can not wait for it!
The idea that I love that they put into it, is the strategy and action. Not just tactic strategies, but your whole game play is based on materials for needs. Materials for cover, materials for capture points. So I love how they mixed both of those in. Also, with there advanced combat the game should be even more fun.

If in any way, you need a video. Check out the URL below!

I say, once this game comes out it will be a game of the century! In no way can other FPS games compare to this. Looking forward to it, so check out the pre-order on Steam today!

- Advanced combat system
- Strategy mixed with action
- Unique vehicle system
- Amazing game play
- Compatible on most PC's

Here are some random images for those who need more:

Post what you think of the game off of what you have seen, say what you think they can improve on. Post cool images.

I like the building block thingies.
Combat seems kinda fun aswell, might throw the old dollar into the steam.


As most of you know, post apocalyptic stuff is my kinda stuff.

Looks like fallout New Vegas with some building mods slapped on.

I'd appreciate it if you people would stop comparing games from two completely different genres.
Fallout is an RPG, this is an action-RTS.

Ontopic; Looks interesting, though not in my interests, I imagine it's multiplayer, could be fun with a few friends since, if it is multiplayer, it'd require a bit more strategy than "Take some dudes over there and shoot some dudes until they've all fallen over"

i like the whole real time strategy+fps thing

but what kinda multiplayer will it have? like if we are talking 64 player, i might actually try it

this 16-24 player stuff that games are doing nowadays needs to stop. i wont even support them anymore.
"massive" means many players. not some little nade hopping maps that the genre is getting a little to use to.

Looks like fallout New Vegas with some building mods slapped on.
Looks more like Fallout 3 crossed with Modern Warfare. :P

Is this source engine?

Do not believe it is source engine.


I believe "massive" from what I said is more about 20-60+ people. Maps are a pretty decent size.

Is this source engine?
Yes, it even says it in the video
Plus this looks nothing like Fallout, what are you guys on?