
Lantern Oil Type?

Saps Energy
Oil Pickups
Drop When Out Of Oil

Author Topic: RedGaijin's Add-On Pack - Locked until something actually gets done  (Read 14738 times)

Wait. The catapult is going to be a vehicle? I'm confused.
Catapult- make it an item, not a vehicle,
Though I think it should be a vehicle.

Though I think it should be a vehicle.



This will be perfect for the Block Prophecy!

If you noticed the "Planned Releases" and clicked on the link at the bottom...

Still not "Released" so, it makes what you have "an add-on".

Though I think it should be a vehicle.
I want it an item so I can do some other things with it that I'm not sure how I would do with the vehicle.





Still not "Released" so, it makes what you have "an add-on".
Doesn't matter

Also, I was messing around and made it so you can throw it and it burns people. Should I implement that?
I don't know if it would ruin the point of a non-lethal weapon :U
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 02:34:12 PM by RedGajin »

Ballista, Battering Ram, and Catapult should all be mountable bots.

Ballista, Battering Ram, and Catapult should all be mountable bots.

That would be a better idea. But can you implement firing events on those?
Actually, you should be able to, right? Because the tank turrets a bot.

Ballista, Battering Ram, and Catapult should all be mountable bots.

>attack catapult/ballista/battering ram
>it screams "ow!"

>attack catapult/ballista/battering ram
>it screams "ow!"
The tank turret doesn't scream ow :U

Unless I'm still wrong about it being a bot...

Actually. I downloaded the demo just five minutes ago. Hmm. Gaijin, what about adding something like oil or whatever to the lantern?


You're all about oil. If you love it so much why don't you marry i-oh wait, never mind.

You're all about oil. If you love it so much why don't you marry i-oh wait, never mind.

If you like it, then why don't you put a ring on it? Lol, it had to be done. Sorry. B)

Lantern doesn't show up on my add-on list either.

Lantern doesn't show up on my add-on list either.
Ok, this is odd. Does it say anything in the console? Do you have another conflicting add-on?

It doesn't show up for me either :c

First it didn't work.

I removed the Mac folder thingy.

It still doesn't work :c