
What should the motto/slogan be?

That clan where you wrench stuff.
That clan where you event stuff.
Eventing the world, one brick at a time.
Get out your wrenches, it's about to get wrenchy.
Other (state in reply)

Author Topic: [MBE Modern Block Events ~ Hosting From 10:00AM AEST to 7:00PM AEST MBE]  (Read 6259 times)

For these two reasons I wanna join, lol
Can I pm you my app?

Also- :C my fav motto only has 2 votes.

Sorry but that app doesn't qualify. It needs to be new and cannot have been used before. I can't PM anyone for some reason. Prob. Badspot made it so.

oh, ok. I might make something later if I ever get around to it then
I was just hoping it'd work since the clan I used it for doesn't exist anymore  :cookieMonster:

oh, ok. I might make something later if I ever get around to it then
I was just hoping it'd work since the clan I used it for doesn't exist anymore  :cookieMonster:

Sorry but it doesn't. Feel free to post your app in either gallery or on this thread. Though I did like that app. It was pretty cool. But it doesn't qualify.

i want to see the best work Blazing has ever made with events

i want to see the best work Blazing has ever made with events

i want to see the best work Blazing has ever made with events

You will. You all will. In time.

You will. You all will. In time.

right now
i refuse to wait, my boy

What timezone is this clan in?

Allie with Kodex.

(Accidental Bump)

and im a rapist, we're learning so much about eachother!!

and im a rapist, we're learning so much about eachother!!

F**k off.