Author Topic: House  (Read 5427 times)

How did you build that computer? :o
standing 2x2f print brick

pretty good i would rate a 7/10

I know people have asks you this before and you said no but could you send me the build because this is just what I needed for my cityrpg.  All I will do is lessen the brickcount by making those good looking wood patterns into a basic, less brick use design.  I will put the original on display on one of the showcase hills.

I will add a sign commemorating your greatness.

Exterior: 10/10
Interior: 9/10

Exterior: 10/10
Interior: 9/10

You bumped. 

Intellect: 2/10
Brilliance: 0/10
IQ: < 4

I am absolutely delighted by this house.
I would never have thought of setting a fireplace into the wall. I should consider a technique like that next time the need should arise.
The design of the foyer was beautiful as well.
I'd like to have seen a full roof, or at least something making the baseplate thicker where the dome cut off. If you're going to do that with the roof, be consistent with the thickness.

10/10 nonetheless, excellent job.

"Hey man look at that amazing house over there"

"Hey man look at that amazing house over there"
