Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress Megathread! - Necro'd enough to count as a vampire  (Read 116715 times)

I actually tried to play my first fort, nothing holding me back.

An ambush of goblins appeared, only had wrestlers. Ordered them to strangle them apart. Four died, and then tantrum spiral! I also had a vampire on the loose which just makes thing worse. Basically, I lost about 14 dwarfs so far and now I only have 11 left, this gonna b gud.

Can you station marksdwarfs on a tower and have them shoot at lower Z-levels?

Can you station marksdwarfs on a tower and have them shoot at lower Z-levels?
Assuming they have a clear line of sight, marksdwarves can shoot up or down z-levels as far as their range permits.

All of my soldiers are giving birth. In other words, I've cancelled shield production for the military.

I got up at 3 AM to play Dwarf Fortress 4 more hours before school.  Worth it.

All of my soldiers are giving birth. In other words, I've cancelled shield production for the military.
You cut off their protection supply, no wonder they're getting pregnant!

Edit: I just realized something from Family Guy sums up Dwarf Fortress in a nutshell.

"Do you ever win at this game?"

"No, you just loose a little less each time."
« Last Edit: February 22, 2012, 05:48:14 AM by brickybob »

All of my soldiers are giving birth. In other words, I've cancelled shield production for the military.
You'll be overrun by children!

All of my soldiers are giving birth. In other words, I've cancelled shield production for the military.
Now all your troops are gonna get penetrated left and right.

Amazing, I have 10 or so godly surgeons + suturers + wound dressers from migrant waves and not a single bone doctor.


Flooding, falling corridors, and an army. What else do I need? (srs inquiry)

i hate tantrum spirals. i wish the pop cap worked right, executing babies is annoying and causes rage.

Someone on Bay12 generated a world and checked out a random tower...
299: Kixilucog, "Luredbulbous", tower
   Owner: The Berries of Hoisting, humans
   11915622 humans
   7 dwerrows
   2 halflings
   1 dwarf
   9 animated high elves
   6 animated dwerrows
   21 animated halflings
   8 animated humans
   7 animated goblins
   9 animated elves

It's better, too! He genned it again but went for a longer worldgen this time...
807: Pujaaru, "Benthead", tower
   Owner: The Rough Swords, humans
   6 dwerrows
   463796790 humans
   3 halflings
   100 animated high elves
   42 animated humans
   58 animated elves

This game seems interesting in concept, but to me the game is just like "blatgheigifasghjghsigeh" and I don't know what it is.

This game seems interesting in concept, but to me the game is just like "blatgheigifasghjghsigeh" and I don't know what it is.
Try playing adventure mode. It can help you get a better grasp of the symbols. This wiki will help you figure out what keys to use and stats to put points in.

You also want to make sure you are a demigod.

This game seems interesting in concept, but to me the game is just like "blatgheigifasghjghsigeh" and I don't know what it is.
Try playing adventure mode. It can help you get a better grasp of the symbols. This wiki will help you figure out what keys to use and stats to put points in.

You also want to make sure you are a demigod.

If you're not really a roguelike person, or adventurer mode is too hard for you, try regular dwarf fortress mode. It's basically the RTS mode, if you didn't know what it was.
I used Rock Paper Shotgun's tutorial to grasp the basics of Dwarf Fortress, along with using the tileset it recommended. I'm still learning Adventurer mode though, and I'm too much of a devolved inbred to understand ASCII in adventurer mode.

survived first siege today. locked the outside doors. goblins murdered all my livestock outside, but i caught a lot of them with cage traps. i sent out one weak dwarf to satisfy the other 10 still alive, then after killing him, they retreated. got good stuff from the captured ones.