Author Topic: Unknown Blocko  (Read 2576 times)

Sorry I have no proof.

I was at Unknown Blocko's deathrace and he gave his team Rifles, Shotguns, and pillars compaired to tiny molotives. I ran over him as revenge and he immediatley banned me with the reason "show some respect to super admins dumbass"


I was there, this is true. S:

it's just another stupid server, let it go.

it's just another stupid server, let it go.

At least whoever reads this knows it's a stupid server, before wasting their time visiting it.

it's just another stupid server, let it go.
Missing the entire point of the Drama section.

He's switching teams and giving himself super powerful weapons like the KzR.

He teles also.

And blue has OSRs.

Joining it to see what's going on. c:

Alright, what I saw:
1. Host kills you nearing the finish line, also blows up the finish button so you don't click it.
2. You are banned for killing a super admin.
3. Poorly managed spawns.
4. Unintelligent hosts.

Uh oh.

Now its just a DM...
Yes, it is. Horribly unbalanced.

There is no racing in that server. Just a bunch of campers and badmins