


Author Topic: Star Wars Battlefront I Server  (Read 11711 times)

Nobody is going to take all of their time out to model these AND script these for you. You do not NEED any of this. Try modeling and scripting for yourself and stop asking people for so much things.

You're getting NOWHERE, and expecting this to be done and go well.


Holy stuff, and you're still not done? No offense, but that's a little bit too slow.
And again with the no spaces after the sentences and commas.
I have a life too you know?

Please add spaces after your periods and commas. You loving moron.

Nobody is going to take all of their time out to model these AND script these for you. You do not NEED any of this. Try modeling and scripting for yourself and stop asking people for so much things.
If only I knew how.

Very interesting. I would like to help build but I'm not too good. I'd like to event some more and make a tutorial and such. It's quite simple to be honest. I suggest using Slayer for this considering the nature of BF.
Now, I would really like to help somehow. I'm hoping to get some people to make better add-ons for this, but the ones already here are stupendous. It's just the vehicles. And those tie-fighters...bro, we need a little upgrade on that. I also hope space battles is one included. I love space battles in the game.
...Wait a second, space battles are only in BF II...

God damn just lock this piece of stuff you call thread.

I wouldn't even use this thread to sew up my socks.


I have a life too you know?
I have a life aswell but can easily build a TDM build in like, 2 days (counting the hours, not how many times i get on the computer.) Maybe even faster than that, I don't know.

God damn just lock this piece of stuff you call thread.

I wouldn't even use this thread to sew up my socks.
Okay,well,if you don't like this thread,you don't need to keep posting on it,you can just let the topic die.


I have a life too you know?
I have a life aswell but can easily build a TDM build in like, 2 days (counting the hours, not how many times i get on the computer.) Maybe even faster than that, I don't know.
Do you relise that it's more than one TDM,and they're kind of big too,along with spawns and all that crap.
It takes a while.
And also,for me,grade cards have just come out,so school is too much.Also,I have other things on Blockland that need taken care of:Add-ons that need fixed,add-ons that have been deleted for some reason,problems with version 20,problems with version 4 of RTB,and more.
So please give me some time.

Edit*:Great,my dedicated server "somehow" infected my computer!It's fixed,but I can't host,so it's going to be even longer before it's finished.
I think the infection has something to do with RTB,not sure.I have been downloading too many add-ons.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2011, 05:06:20 PM by Clone2 »

Edit*:Great,my dedicated server "somehow" infected my computer!It's fixed,but I can't host,so it's going to be even longer before it's finished.
I think the infection has something to do with RTB,not sure.I have been downloading too many add-ons.
Yep,I'm screwed.
Until I get this thing fixed,bye.
Have a happy Veterans Day,Thanksgiving,and maybe Christmas.

Hey, I'm back.
Let the building of the battlefronts continue!

I am not screwed, my computer is fixed, I'm able to get on Blockland, yay, I'm not screwed.

Do you realize yet it's pointless to pursue this?

No one is going to make those addons for you.

I love how everyone has only commented on this nooblet's grammar, sentence structure, and slowness while the usual flame has somehow been shrouded by all of these completely true comments.

Has no one noticed that this is in General Discussion when it should really be in Gallery?!

Clone2, this is the correct way to write.  I am using capital letters for personal pronoun I and at the beginning of the sentence.  I end each sentence with a punctuation mark reflecting my tone, followed by two hits of the space bar.  That's two, not 5, nor for, but two.  Two shall be the number to which you space two and you shall not exceed the number of two.

Y0u M4y N0w C0un7 70 7w0 4nd 7hr0w 7h3 h01y h4nd 5r3n4d3.

Translate if you speak slacker hacker.

You may now count to two and throw the holy hand grenade