Author Topic: Aint liking my new school much  (Read 6989 times)

Yea title says it I dont like it it has a ton of flaws with it along with my bus driver im going to tell you whats going on.

1.The school is to confusing you have to go down one hall to get to another then you have to walk around for 5 mins to find your classroom Learn where your classes are

2.Halls are to small you have to push through to get to class I swear im trying to get to class and there's a bigger jam there then on a highway red light  go a diffrent way

3.There's a kid thats about to be knocked out BY ME! why you might ask? Well I'll tell ya'll. He is freaking annoying,perverted, thief,just plan oh irritating! The other day he was staring down my sister while she was walking out of the cafeteria he told me he likes her but the fact he stared her down doesn't quite settle with me so I told him if he does it again he's dead! For one, bullstuff you arn't going to knock anybody out, secondly who gives a forget if he likes your sister, what if she likes him back? Don't try to look so tough

4.My bus driver he's a A-hole he stopped the bus like 5 times in the parking lot just to say be quiet he never smiles never atleast says good morning he nearly crashed us he swerved the bus when we got to the high school! He most likely had a reason to do that but stopping in parking lots to say be quite is being an starfish

5.Almost everyone is a poser I cant stand everyone looking the same at times I think of pulling a gun and just pulling the trigger on alot of them!
(As a matter of fact a sheriff walked by me at lunch and I had to try not to grab his handgun)Tough guy? I doubt you'd have the guts to take the life from another human, none the less multiple.

6.Lunch  lines are to long theres two lines but only one has somthing decent  so theres a mile long line and im like F-this and go to the other. normal

7.They want $5 for a locker A LOCKER! And its only like 3ft tall and the locks always jam. your fault i bet

Thanks for reading.

My locker is 20 euro for a year.

My locker is 20 euro for a year.
See, that's overpricing.
$5 is nothing considering the exchange rate.

OP is a cigarette who whines for sympathy because he's too much of a pusillanimous individual to handle school.
seriously kid.
go talk to a counselor.

My locker is 20 euro for a year.
my locker was free back in high school.
you just had to buy your own lock because they were those push-up latch kinda things.

lol you guys have to buy your lockers

thats WEIRD

Suck up that stuff and man up. You will be out of there in no time.

I get my locker for free!
too bad it's thousands of dollars for one year of school

OP is either not as old as his profile says, or just really stupid

We take all our books, workbooks, notebooks, school supplies to home and back to school every day. Some days I have trouble with even zipping my schoolbag. There are school lockers which you can rent, but nobody uses them as you pretty much need all of your items for homework too. When school starts I should totally weigh my schoolbag. :o

You should be so happy this aint face to face or you would be dead I didnt grow up in a nice place I learned how to deal with people like you but since were not face to face your one lucky guy.

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You should be so happy this aint face to face or you would be dead I didnt grow up in a nice place I learned how to deal with people like you but since were not face to face your one lucky guy.

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No its reverse sycoligy >.> moron

I'm suprised that you even go to school.

I feel smarter just listening to this guy.

I now feel ashamed to live in TN which is below kentucky.
Multiple reasons now.
Ok :(.