Author Topic: Talking Throuch the Console  (Read 2880 times)

I know its possible I've seen it done. How do you talk through the console like, if i wanted to communicate to the people in my dedicated without actually starting up Bl and joining the server.

this has been asked  but here you go:

i couldnt get it to work..

 i forgot this:    messageall('Mr_Grinch14',' Mesage goes here');

You could also try to write this in the dedicated window on your server (not the console, but the cmd box):

talk("message goes here");

Or there's

I know it works in the console, not sure about the CMD box.


Ingame, /ban 155 0 usually works.

Or there's

I know it works in the console, not sure about the CMD box.
Console is a representation of the Command Prompt, it would work on command prompt the same as console, although, since you aren't really a client, I'm not sure if it'd send correctly :/

The console window basically IS the Torque executable, the client and everything. All the calculations happen there, just mainly not shown (20-GB .log files otherwise from, "Space Guy move 1px left --> 395X 2Y 0Z) and the screen you see is just the 'canvas' it draws everything like results to. The console just shows everything that is in the Command Prompt except with a few helpful colours (Echo, Error, Warn)

I think Talk("Hello."); works best, but you could also use Announce("Hello."); , or any of the other commands people mentioned.