Author Topic: Kitty Drawings - Post your pretty pictures of pretty kitties.  (Read 2984 times)

I only have one on me right now, but i plan on making more.. but different. It's a Warrior cat, so meh.

In this topic you can also post your manga pictures for warriors adventure thing whatever it's called..

But here it is

Mayfrost, Medicine Cat of RiverClan. A few parts I had to edit in because 1. they ran off the page or 2. they were not there.

EDIT: Just saying, but it's meant to be blue-grey. It didn't work as well as it did the time before when I made a blue-grey.. How To: lightly pencil over blue-grey spots, erase lightly, and color over blue.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 10:15:17 PM by CinderTheCat »

Too lazy to bother to upload it to photobucket.

stuffty pic

that thing in the op looks like a handicapped salamander

Well excuse me if i don't have good drawing skeelz

Constructive critisicm only.

I like the detail you put into it's face. It really shows emotion.

This is my cat "Rodrique" with a bazooka on his back.

I like how that Bazooka resembles an odd growth, sort of a metaphor for growths on society's back.

This is Rodrique sharing a soda with his cousin, Lazlo.

heheh.. but I would like to see some hand drawings. It would be nice, just saying.. but the bazooka one was funny c:

And try your best, don't just make meh ones, try to make the best ones you can make and show off your true talent!

I like it's eyes. That is one pretty kitty!  :cookie:

This is Rodrique investigating the Burdock Leaf that you showed us in your first picture. He is smiling.

Don't eat it! Only use it if he has wounds c: