Author Topic: Making a TDM any tips?  (Read 817 times)

Give people an objective, it will make people focus on something rather than killing each other.

Balance the weapons, don't make one class filled with highly powered weapons and everyone else with a weak pistol.

Make a good map, try to keep gameplay and looks balanced making the game look and feel enjoyable.

Also are you going to add vehicles to this?

Give people an objective, it will make people focus on something rather than killing each other.

Balance the weapons, don't make one class filled with highly powered weapons and everyone else with a weak pistol.

Make a good map, try to keep gameplay and looks balanced making the game look and feel enjoyable.

Also are you going to add vehicles to this?


I'd say make it so players can respawn the vehicles, it's a pain having to run out and gun it down just to make it respawn.

I also recommend Dogfight stuff by Boom (Or whoever he is), they are very useful for Vehicles TDMs.

Ok i'm going to get to building thank you for the tips

Add abilities for players to have both long range and close quarters combat.

Ok i made my first base but i got an idea
There will be three teams the first two are the normal Red vs Blue
And the third team will be able to defeat the red and blue armies or some thing like that...

Ok i made my first base but i got an idea
There will be three teams the first two are the normal Red vs Blue
And the third team will be able to defeat the red and blue armies or some thing like that...
You mean like a Special Ops team? I did something like this, I couldn't achieve it without it being unbalanced. I though, "hey, I can just put less players on the spec op's team!" But then they are pointless and easy killings for red and blue. "Well what about giving them stronger weapons?" This didn't work either, I couldn't find a loadout the even them out so they weren't op or too weak.

I would suggest, if you're doing something like that, to do one very large team, and then one Spec Ops team. That works a lot better.

I couldn't find a loadout the even them out so they weren't op or too weak.
Yes, not to mention people always whine about how they want to be on the special ops team.
The alien VS predator server is a perfect example, Humans and aliens are the base teams, but EVERYBODY wants to be a predator.

How about if you defeat a Neutral team he/she joins your team.
But i don't know how to do that..

How about if you defeat a Neutral team he/she joins your team.
But i don't know how to do that..
I just think that would be an all around bad idea. Unless, of course, you had something bigger in mind.

Your using vehicles yes? Put some stuff that can take down enemy tanks, jeeps, etc.

Use some Tank cannons, HMGs, AA Guns, or maybe Event an AA gun.

Keep in mind the time period, terrain, teams, and try to be historically accurate. Be sure to make a small plan before you just go ahead and make a TDM too

Have objectives, you can easily create a Search and destroy type thing,

Sort of like Frost said, make it have a point. Add lives if it's a small map. Add an objective. Such as a bomb, finding weapons around the map, things like that.