Author Topic: Rioters  (Read 964 times)

If rioters and such dislike their political leader/overlord/ tyrant, such as that Libya thing, why would you not just.... oh... I dunno... perhaps, LEAVE?

What is the point of if you HATE your overlord, you STILL pay him taxes and such for living in his domain, so WHY WOULD YOU EVEN STAY THERE?!?!!?!?


implying people there can just get up and walk away

still wouldn't solve the problem

Some countries force you to stay. Some people don't want to leave their homes behind and instead try to force change upon the government.

can't afford to leave country/leaving country is a pain in the patookus

What if you can't leave?

Mabye they like their country, and want to make it better.

Mabye they actually care about people other than themselves and feel that not only they should get the respect and freedom they deserve.

Think it out a bit.

Some countries force you to stay. Some people don't want to leave their homes behind and instead try to force change upon the government.

Greece closed it's borders when the riots began.

Some countries force you to stay. Some people don't want to leave their homes behind and instead try to force change upon the government.

How could a government FORCE you to stay?

oh god just stop posting

How could a government FORCE you to stay?

They do not allow international flights, roads are closed, and ships cannot depart to other countries.

How could a government FORCE you to stay?

airports: closed
borders: closed
docks: closed

etc etc

it's like madagascar during a pandemic

it's like madagascar during a pandemic



Every oppressive government foresees that people will leave, so they make it impossible.

How could a government FORCE you to stay?

Electric fences, armed guards, torturing loved ones.