Author Topic: There are just too many idiots in Blockland  (Read 2505 times)

I have just been banned from a server for saying Wiener and Balls are bouncy. What the hell?
I no longer have faith in humanity. I mean seriously? I get banished for saying a Foods name and a fact? Jeez!

if your faith in humanity relied on your experience playing blockland, then you have other more important concerns.

Here you go

I think it was a pretty reasonable ban.  You acted like a moron and deserved a ban.

I dont think there is a way to connect standalone the words wiener and balls to a loveual thing unless you are really perverted

Basing all of Blockland on a server you were banned from for saying something that doesn't even remotely sound like food is pretty biased.

If you guys saying OP is a cigarette, then you really need to grow up.

People got rights of saying anything.

Thanks, you probably are intelligent enough to understand the ridiculousness of banning for saying something that doesent always mean immature stuff.

You're right, there's too many idiots in blockland. Including the ones like you making unnecessary drama topics like these.

 Isn't making a drama on the entire community bannable? If so, good.

 Also, if you said something handicapped like that at random, I'd ban you too. You asked for it.

Also, if you said something handicapped like that at random, I'd ban you too. You asked for it.
Only 10 year olds would do something like that.

I think it was a pretty reasonable ban.  You acted like a moron and deserved a ban.
If I hosted that server, I wouldn't ban him. Although
saying a Foods name and a fact
would be pretty moronic, I agree.

Only 10 year olds would do something like that.
No stuff?