Author Topic: Is my graphics card failing?  (Read 767 times)

I get this weird thing that happens at random: The computer seemingly freezes, the screen flashes black, then it goes back to normal with a message saying "AMD display drivers have stopped working and recovered." Now, it has done this several times. No bluescreen. It has always recovered, HOWEVER, is this a bad sign? This graphics card is less than a year old so it shouldn't be dieing.

UPDATE: forget, it happened again. And it isn't recovering...this is the second time.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 03:19:32 AM by HelplessNobb88 »

This happens to me on my 5770

Does it happen when running any instances of Flash Player?

For me it's mostly youtube videos (so yeah, flash) but it also happens watching video files off Hard drive or DVD, or playing games

Does it happen when running any instances of Flash Player?

It happens on YouTube fullscreen mostly, but it's done it elsewhere.

This happened occasionally when I was using an Intel GMA with Windows XP.
It wasn't a faulty driver, it was the GPU being a total handicap when it came to anything HTML5.
It's never happened since I got my GeForce 6200 and 9500GT cards :|

I've had one die on me before. Randomly colored lines EVERYWHERE.

Most of the time it recovered within a minute, but twice on YT videos the audio kept playing (even though the screen was black with the video slider bar frozen) I finally had to give up and shut it off by the button.

I would of pulled a NVidia joke but this is too serious.

Do you live in a place with Computer Repairmen or a PC Shop nearby? It isn't a RHJEUBR expensive card, so if you cant sort it, get it repaired and if you must, buy a new one.

Update, or reinstall the drivers. Does it happen while gaming?

It's never happened in games, and yeah I will see if the drivers need updating.

What browser are you using for watching these flash videos?
I have noticed a trend between Firefox, Flash videos and ATI 5XXX series cards for this behavior.
Also, what OS?

I have a HD5850 on one of my computers, and while running Flash applications on the Vista partition, it would do this approximately once a week. It hasn't happened on a new installation of Windows though, perhaps it's because I upgraded to 7 on that computer, perhaps it just gave it a good cleanout.