Author Topic: disk launcher  (Read 5716 times)

Disk refers to hard disk and is almost always used in computers. Disc refers to a round flat object.
lol they used disk on baten kietos 2 but not one for the disc numbers



  • Guest
Oh, when you said disk launcher I thought you meant one of these:

seriously these things are so fun, and they are harmless but they sting like needles if you get a good one, but the disks are so easy to lose...

no. i would search for a pic of a disc launcher im talking about, but net nanny won't even let me do that. -.- man. i got to talk to mom and dad about this net nanny soon. im going to be as bored as heck with this net nanny. but im gonna wait 'till my birth day. im trying not to do anything that will ruin my chance of gettting an Nintendo wii.

PSP UMD launcher FTW!

I shoot my Loco Roco at j00!
Eat dat!

I heard PSP shooter Somewhere in this topic...

I'm assuming he means the one in the picture attached.

Personally, I'd prefer a 'thrown' disk - would it be possible to introduce a curve on the projectile and have it move in an arc before falling to the floor?

yeah like that. actually, your right. it would be better if they were throwable.


  • Guest
Net Nanny? Wtf is that? And if it is what I think it is, your parents need some serious help.

no, there not crazy, but this program is going to drive me crazy. there just trying to pretect me.

no, there not crazy, but this program is going to drive me crazy. there just trying to protect me.

They should just give you a condom, than your good to go!  :cookieMonster:

Lol, seriously though.
From what?
By keeping you away from love and violence, they are just closing you in from the real world.
That is not recommended, but I won't get into that.

I'm assuming he means the one in the picture attached.

Personally, I'd prefer a 'thrown' disk - would it be possible to introduce a curve on the projectile and have it move in an arc before falling to the floor?
bionicle :o

Make the projectile explode and bounce off terrain and stuff. Like the GDI Disc Thrower.