team to make guitar

Author Topic: team to make guitar  (Read 6230 times)

By the way, my guitar broke, as in, its not showin up on the list, yes i do got the uiName thing

you mean the model?
cause i thought thats what you wanted to do....

The guitar weapon ain't showing up on the weapon list when you hit the brick with the wrench, yes i allowed it in the start server thing

Simple...make the weapon + model and the sound files for it and I'll work on it. Should the player be able to move in that state?

i originally wanted it to go asdf keys so its more natural to players
then while playing a song or whatever you can hold the left arrow or right arrow to play a scale up or a scale down
so that leaves a total of twelve notes
<A <S <D <F A S D F >A >S >D >F

but ofcourse i mean the arrow, keys not the <> things.... yeah
the thing doesnt need a gui to lpay songs just yet as that is not the point
tthe poitn is to get playable musical insturments into the game :D

if all goes well, the guis with the notes sliding down will only appear to aid the person playing a song and it jsut guides which notes the should play if they want it to sound like the song

the way to get the song helps to play would like be some button you press then you scroll though the list and choose a pre-macroed song

but to answer you question, i dont not beleive they should be allowed to move, or if they should then like they should hold spacebar to disable the notes while its held or somthing so they can move
the color show how significant the state ment is

and legodude, please jsut post the guitar model, i cna do it from there mostly
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 12:50:58 PM by ladios »

Huh? Badspot didn't make .dts as a uploadable file type :O well, onto ZShare

guitar.dts - 0.04MB

k thanks
now i just need the twelve notes please...

k im using a substitute for the ntoes but can someone tell me how to  make the player not be able to move when a or d are pressed
please pm me your aim msn or yim if you have any
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 02:19:02 PM by ladios »

Heres a little beta-y thing, read through it if you like, uses the model Masterlegodude posted. Uses only 3 notes but it's set up to use the rest, binds already added, could only test the first 3 notes. It uses some default .wavs and keys x, c, v and b.

where to put the model? nvm, but why not use notes? base\data\sound\notes\Synth 4\00.wav  ???
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 02:51:34 PM by tapemaster21 »

thats jsut what i did for the substitute
however therein lies a problem now (i fixed the un-b-bind) but it only playes the first low note when left arrow is pressed and first high note when right arrow is pressed
i kinda wanted it so you could hold down the left arrow or right arrow and it wouldnt do anythign till you hit zxcv
anyway to do that
like the way ctrl doesnt do anything by itself but ctrl+a opens admin menue

and legodude
your model looks like a dried black pepper
ah crap
it permantly overwritten my b key...
can anyone send me their action map thingy
« Last Edit: June 02, 2007, 03:04:21 PM by ladios »

Unshaded right? If so, then i'll give you the MS3D model if you like, so you can fix it up


I can record a chromatic scale (the 12 notes of music, A through G#) with an electric or acoustic guitar, with or without various effects like distortion, wah-wah, delay, reverb, ect... I can also record chords or generic guitar solos and manipulate the sound files. I have a nice mic that gets good quality recordings and an audio program I know how to work with. PM me if you need my help.

im a blockhead, thus i cant pm
but yeah
electric with no effects done to it would be cool
jsut like a note also.. nothing too fancy