Author Topic: Fake Text Writing  (Read 3343 times)

This is the oldest trick in the Blockland Book! On PlayerTouch>Client>TextMessage>Ephialtes has joined the game. On Player Touch>Self>PlaySound>playerConnect.wav
On Player Touch>Client>TextMessage: <color:ffff00>Ephialtes<color:ffffff>: There is no RTB 4 it is failed.
I did it on a guy and he was all like "OMG Ephi why!!!!!!!!!!"
It was really cool
I also did this one: Badspot:%1 is here? Yes his key is revoked
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 05:05:22 AM by Crêpe »

You didn't even recolor the text. Someone would have to be mentally ill to actually fall for something that poorly put together.

You didn't even recolor the text. Someone would have to be mentally ill to actually fall for something that poorly put together.
just saying

I recolured all the writing in the exact colors

You didn't even recolor the text. Someone would have to be mentally ill to actually fall for something that poorly put together.
In the events that'd be what is written, but it would display as:

: There is no RTB 4 it is failed.[/b]

Black = White. There is no white!?




« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 07:18:47 AM by Corbiere »

Old trick. But fun as hell to do.

I also did a one where Wedge did a ragequit

Well it is kind of belivable but why do e never see Badspot doesn't he play his own game.
Oh and did Badspot make Blockland himself? Or did like 50 more help

Well it is kind of belivable but why do e never see Badspot doesn't he play his own game.
Oh and did Badspot make Blockland himself? Or did like 50 more help

Badspot has a life. He tries to get on with it besides work on Blockland. (It doesn't mean he is going to stop working in it)

Yeah I think there was around 20 people working on Blockland.

What is the <color:> for connecting?

What is the <color:> for connecting?
Something blue I took about 8 minutes finding the perfect one.
I use this.