Author Topic: hi  (Read 3982 times)

Hi all im new to the forum.I figured i would introduce myself and say hiyas to all of blockland have a great day.

hi. welcome to the blockland forums. please read the rules though. this is breaking a rule. your are not suppose to entruduce yourslef. i suggest locking this before they flame you. i'd really hate to see you get banned as soon as you just joined.

ok how do i lock it? and sorry

Don't, it isn't against the rules -_-
1. Do not post ambiguous topics.  The title of your thread should describe it's contents.  If you are asking a question, there should be a question mark at the end.  Ambiguous topics will be locked.

Examples of bad topic titles:
  • help!
  • idea i just had
  • question...
Examples of good topic titles:
  • Game crashes when I paint a brick blue
  • How do I ban people?
  • Map Idea: Mars Base
2. Do not post adult content. - That means no nudity or gross stuff.

3. No warez - Do not talk about pirating software at all.

4. Use the Search feature before posting a question.

5. Do not plea for sympathy
  • Do not make posts about how you are leaving the forums. Just leave. 
  • Do not make posts about how the game isn't fun for you anymore.  Just stop playing.
  • Do not make posts about how you are going to kill yourself.  Just do it. 

6. Think before you post - Completely unintelligible posts will be locked.

7. Do not flame - If the entire point of your post is to tell someone what an idiot they are, don't bother. 

8. Do not cross post. - Do not post the same thing in more than one forum. 

9. No bogus mods - Do not link to or advertise mods that do not comply with the Mod Guidlines

10. Do not advertise other forums

11. No pyramid/referral schemes -  No one is going give you money or an iPod/flatscreeen monitor/xbox 360/whatever just for getting people to click on some crappy link.  It's a scam to get you to spam forums for them.  Stop posting this crap. 
That's the rules, nothing about introducing yourself. There's rules about saying you are leaving, that's the closest thing you what this would be if opposite.

sweet thank you rc.

oops sorry long day lol

Mod Guidlines
I'm not trying to be rude or arrogant, but isn't it spelled "guidelines"?

I just noticed the spelling with no "e" was all over the forum and I was just curious.

Even Badspot makes mistakes  :cookieMonster:


Guys, we should always chase away new members, that way no one new will ever play this game. :)

Guys, we should always chase away new members, that way no one new will ever play this game. :)


Hey, dude. Have fun in Blockland and I'll probably see you in-game :cookie:

Guys, we should always chase away new members, that way no one new will ever play this game. :)

You don't need to do anything that you wouldn't normally do. You can just be yourself and it'll work.

Hey Snarf, great name.