Author Topic: Group Events  (Read 657 times)

This may sound like some sort of misplaced topic, but it's not.
I am attempting to make a couple events, both of which should be rather simple. However, they aren't as simple as they looked when I thought them up.
The events I wanted were SetBrickGroup and FireGroupRelay. These would allow some pretty interesting stuff to happen; it would basically be another brick name. I think this would be relatively useful, and I have needed it for a build before, but I cannot remember the occasion.

I am stupid about these things. I was looking at another script for reference, as I am unable to stand alone; the setBrickName event, by Destiny. However, that modifies an already stated default variable. I need to use a new one.
VCE is a little cryptic for me, though. I can only identify single lines for the events, and that doesn't make any sense to me, as all other events I have seen take up at least 3 or 4 lines.

Is what I need to do just something like $ = "Name"; ?

I apologize for my ignorance. It bugs me too.
I'm just trying to pull myself ahead.

Note that these events are supposed to apply to groups of bricks, not clients or players or anything.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2011, 03:02:15 PM by Katadeus »



%brick.client.brickGroup (?, if that does work theres more than likely a better way though)



%brick.client.brickGroup (?, if that does work theres more than likely a better way though)
Why is the client/BLID involved? I'm trying to make a separate grouping system, but I don't see where it comes in.

Why is the client/BLID involved? I'm trying to make a separate grouping system, but I don't see where it comes in.
I suppose I misunderstood!

I suppose I misunderstood!
I am pretty unclear about what you meant with the script, and I may have been unclear with my original post. I think I'll revise it.