Author Topic: I'm so desperate to move to the USA.  (Read 12592 times)

Life is just turning into total hell for me here in the UK.

At my school, everyone is just a douche-bag. They all talk in this chav-like voice that really drives me nuts. All the male students ever talk about is CoD: Black Ops and all that stuff. All the females are just as worse. They just always take the mick out of all the males and they always go into a sudden panic whenever a male starts staring at them, regardless of what way.

Even out of school, things are such a total drag. I can't make any friends in this country, one of the reasons is because it's so hard to find someone who share the same interests as me. Another is because everyone is just a total chav. I can't join any groups or clubs because I can never find any that suit me. My mother actually told me that joining groups and clubs is a great way to make friends, but it's hard to believe she said that since she's 100% British.

Another thing that sucks about the UK is the lack of entertainment and exciting events compared to the USA. In the USA, you guys always get everything like conventions and the 4th of July. Nothing exciting ever happens in the UK.

Actually, it's not just me. My whole family is thinking about moving to the USA too. One of the many questions is which state.

So, which state?

Move to Canada instead.  :cookieMonster:

They just always take the mick out of all the males

sorry, what?

Move to Canada instead.  :cookieMonster:

we don't want him

Kentucky so you can visit me  :cookieMonster:

Minnesota due to nice weather and a great diverse people.

I'm desperate to move out of the USA.

Most of what you're complaining about exists here in America as well.

I doubt moving here will solve your problems, but I'd suggest Pennsylvania, Washington, or...anywhere but Utah.

Do not move to any tropical states
Obviously most disasters happen in those states A LOT!
On top of that Hurricane Irene just past by.
New York (Where I came from) is just like a ghetto (depends what city you live in)
Pennsylvania is pretty nice ^^ (Where I live)

we don't want him
It's not like we'll have to deal with him. Canada is huge.