
Atmosphere theme?

3 (8.8%)
7 (20.6%)
Distortion Horror
11 (32.4%)
3 (8.8%)
10 (29.4%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Author Topic: Third Rail, a surreal adventure.  (Read 10320 times)

Third Rail: An ominous title for an ominous game. Inspired by works such as LSD Dream Emulator, this game is set in a mysterious subway system, mostly in the tunnels. The player is faced with many surreal events & scenarios on their journey along the Third Rail.

Third Rail isn't like most other games. It isn't much of a "game" at all. The goal isn't to win, or to survive as long as you can, it's to experience the environment.

To move, use WASD.
To interact, press E.

There may be other controls, and if there are you will learn them on your playthrough.

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« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 04:08:12 PM by Extrude »

I think I'm going to make my own version of the space explorer thing in C++ tonight.
Just for kicks. Will post results if I even get past starting it.

Content is either made in Love2D, or DirectX/XNA.

SX3D is a 3D version of my old space explorer game. In the final product, they won't resemble eachother at all, but it's a good temporary name that fits it's general concept. SX3D currently supports 16x MSAA, and bloom/HDR for fancy graphic effects.


Video of some basic movement & modeling in SX3D (video now completely outdated.)

A recent screenshot from SX3D.

Game Graveyard

Sleep Is Two
The Mining Game
Space Explorer
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 11:10:33 PM by Extrude »

That is not how space works.

Points feature is pretty simple, it adds points for purchases and sells, you get more points for higher level companies. You also loose points for progressing the day, so you can't just camp that until the price goes up.

Surprisingly making some progress on the space thing. I'm not actually drawing anything yet so I have no screenies, but as of now I have a half broken planet generator and an even more broken solar system generator.
Considering adding in some physics once I get this sorted out.

Woo solar system generator. :D
A friend of mine coded the core of the naming algorithm. It creates and names solar systems, then creates and names planets inside them, and gives them a random mass (shown in brackets). I'm adding in a bunch of chemical compounds into the algorithm so it can generate atmospheres, which will have an effect on the colour of the planets once I finally get around to rendering things.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 11:15:52 PM by blaman »

width=500 bro.
Sure :P

Ill have an update in a few. Almost got atmospheres generating.

Stock game now has a random news ticker. It will eventually effect stock prices, but it's just for giggles right now.

Right then no more updates tonight.
I've almost got atmospheres generating properly. They are being generated fine, I just need to tweak things and fix other things up a bit. At the moment it seems each planets atmospheric compounds are fairly uniform, varying by only about 10% from one another. For example a planets atmosphere may be composed of something like 32% O2, 36% N2 and 32% CO2. Thus I need to give each individual planets atmosphere a weight towards a specific random component.
Also a few times I had every single planet in the entire generated universe have an atmosphere that was 100% CO2. I have an idea what's causing this and I'll fix it in the morning. But it was pretty funny when I first saw it.


Ironically alot of the stocks are a low price. Google and Apple stocks are at their lowest lol.

Edit: Just replaced Google and Apple, with Software and Computers.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 01:11:14 AM by Extrude »